[Solved] foreach loop throwing an error
Thanks to @Edakos for helping me solve this. the problem is you cannot use list() in a foreach loop in PHP<5.5 I have no idea why people would vote down this question. solved foreach loop throwing an error
Thanks to @Edakos for helping me solve this. the problem is you cannot use list() in a foreach loop in PHP<5.5 I have no idea why people would vote down this question. solved foreach loop throwing an error
Your foreach loop seems to work properly if you get the id=2&id=1 in your browser query using method=get. I think you have to understand HTML forms first to realize your problem here. With your code above you are generating a form with an array of ids: <form action=’aaa.php’ method=’get’> <input type=”hidden” name=”id” value=”2″> <input type=”hidden” … Read more
Your code was missing some curly brackets ( {} ): include (“../dbconnect.php”); $sql=”SELECT c.endofmonthform, c.startofmonthform, c.email, c.id, c.formlevel, c.mastersite, c.opmanager, u.userEmail FROM `clients` as c LEFT JOIN `users` as u on c.opmanager = u.userName WHERE endofmonthform=”22/09/2016″”; //TODAYS DATE BACK HERE! $result=mysql_query($sql); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $enddate = $row[‘endofmonthform’]; // End $startdate = $row[‘startofmonthform’]; // Start $email = $row[’email’]; … Read more
The only way the problem can exist given the posted code, if the reported exception/line is correct, is when “Somerecords” is not really creating a List<Object[]> object – but a List containing non-Object[] elements. One reason could be the method in question is typed to return a non-generic List, filled with double values. Java will … Read more
It doesn’t return anything. You can check that by logging the result of the forEach call: var arr = [1, 3, 2]; var arr_temp = []; console.log(arr.forEach(function (i) { return arr_temp.push(i + i); })); // undefined console.log(arr_temp); // 2, 6, 4 3 solved .forEach() Javascript function is returning an Array?
No, neither language splits the string every time (that would be absurd). From the PHP manual: On each iteration, the value of the current element is assigned to $value and the internal array pointer is advanced by one (so on the next iteration, you’ll be looking at the next element). Note the reference to the … Read more
They are different first of all. for-each uses Iterator under the hood whereas for is useful for operations on arrays or where you can do something meaningful with indexes. solved What is very faster, normal for loop or foreach loop in java? [duplicate]
Add DisplayType = cmdType.SelectedIndex to the AddEntry Tried using a String Builder? StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(mainWindow.ChangeTextBox); foreach (AddEntry list in addedEntry) { sb.AppendLine(list.Type); if (list.DisplayType == 1) sb.AppendLine(“URL: ” + list.URL); if (list.DisplayType == 0 || list.DisplayType == 1) { sb.AppendLine(“User Name: ” + list.UserName); sb.AppendLine(“Password: ” + list.Password); } if (list.DisplayType == 2) … Read more
so basically when you use forEach you say that you want to a particular thing for every element, note that to accomplish that task you dont need to return anything and even if you do, just think what use will it be ? but when you map you want every element to be converted to … Read more
You need to add a line as an element to an array. So, you need not array(), but array_push(). int array_push ( array &$array , mixed $value1 [, mixed $… ] ) or in your case, array_push($lineGroup, $line); also, you can use $lineGroup[] = $line; solved My loop produces the same vaues each time – … Read more
try this: foreach($car->image->children() as $photourl){ echo “Key: ” . $photourl->getName() . “<br>”; echo “Value: ” . trim((string)$photourl) . “<br>”; } 0 solved PHP foreach notworking [closed]
I just coded a node js code, you can still make it work on a browser in js, but you will need to download the underscore library here. _und = require(‘underscore’); data = [{ “id”: 1, “children”: [{ “id”: 7, “children”: [{ “id”: 8, “children”: [{ “id”: 4 }, { “id”: 5 }, { “id”: … Read more
You shouldn’t use nested for-each loops here. Try an indexed for on the listMain and store the result of each iteration in a kind of tuple. This tuple could be stored in a Map. As your friend mentioned, you could use a HashMap for this. Something like this should do the trick: ArrayList<Main>listMain = mainDAO.getlAllMain(Connection … Read more
Store all the data you want to return in a string, and later return the string: public function something() { $result = “”; // Create empty string foreach($array as $val) { $result .= “something”; // Add something to the string in the loop } return $result; // Return the full string } An alternative (since … Read more
Do that like this: string formula = “6+12*2”; foreach (char chr in formula) { Console.WriteLine(chr); } 3 solved How to transfer char to string in c# [closed]