[Solved] Write a function named containsLetter that identifies all of the strings in a list that contain a specified letter and returns a list of those strings [closed]

Is this ok ? >>> def containsLetter(searchLetter, hulkLine): … return [x for x in hulkLine if searchLetter in x] … >>> containsLetter(‘i’, hulkLine) [‘like’, “i’m”] >>> Or >>> filter(lambda x: searchLetter in x, hulkLine) [‘like’, “i’m”] >>> 4 solved Write a function named containsLetter that identifies all of the strings in a list that contain … Read more

[Solved] This just bugs me [closed]

Because for-loop needs 3 parameters. If you just give 2 parameters with 3rd parameter not being given, compiler expects the loop variant parameter there. Usually – for(iteration variable; condition; increment/decrement ) for(;condition;increment/decrement ){} for(iteration variable;;increment/decrement) {} for(;;increment/decrement) {} … 1 solved This just bugs me [closed]

[Solved] Is this a correct alternative to a for loop?

The below code can be an alternative to a for loop. You just need to take care of all parts like initialization, condition, iteration count, etc. int i=0; abc: i++; if(i<10){ printf(“i is %d\n”, i); goto abc; } When a for loop is compiled, the assembler uses goto-like statements to generate assembly code for a … Read more

[Solved] I am trying to write an encryption in Python. My Problem is that the key is shorter than the message. Therefore I should start again with the key

I am trying to write an encryption in Python. My Problem is that the key is shorter than the message. Therefore I should start again with the key solved I am trying to write an encryption in Python. My Problem is that the key is shorter than the message. Therefore I should start again with … Read more

[Solved] How can I draw a diagonal line with Console.SetCursorPosition c#?

You need to set a CursorPosition to a given location, then need to draw a horizontal line. Like, public static void LineHorizontale(int x, int y, int length) { //This will set your cursor position on x and y Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); //This will draw ‘-‘ n times here n is length Console.WriteLine(new String(‘-‘, length)); } if … Read more

[Solved] How the array work in c?

Please note, the third for loop is nested inside the second loop. So, for each value of j in the other loop body like 0, 1, 2, the inner loop will execute for each time. If you’re bothered that after the first loop, j will be 10, then don’t worry, the statement-1 in the second … Read more