[Solved] Java: Delete a file starting with “.” [duplicate]

Use the nio package instead : import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; Path p = Paths.get(“/tmp/.minecraft”); if(!Files.exists(p)){ Files.createFile(p); } if(Files.exists(p)){ Files.delete(p); } 10 solved Java: Delete a file starting with “.” [duplicate]

[Solved] How to find out programatically that file is already exist or not? [closed]

Creating SQLite Database – public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { static final String dbName=”demoDB”; static final String employeeTable=”Employees”; static final String colID=”EmployeeID”; static final String colName=”EmployeeName”; static final String colAge=”Age”; static final String colDept=”Dept”; static final String deptTable=”Dept”; static final String colDeptID=”DeptID”; static final String colDeptName=”DeptName”; static final String viewEmps=”ViewEmps”; Creating the Database public void … Read more

[Solved] Python – Read string from log file

Can be extracted with a simple regular expression, as long as the text file is in the same format as the Python log output you posted (Returns all of them): import re file=””.join([i for i in open(“yourfileinthesamefolder.txt”)]) serials=re.findall(“u’serial_number’: u'(.+)'”,file) print(serials) I suggest reading up on how to use regular expressions in Python: Regular Expression HOWTO … Read more

[Solved] C# Readint a txt file and creating an exact copy of it inside a program

To acomplish your goal you need to do two steps: Read the entire file. Transform to appropiate structure. Thanks to LINQ you can accomplish quickly: var cells = (from l in System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(“myfile.txt”) select l.Split(” “.ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).ToArray(); Now you can access the cells like this: var value = cells[1][2]; 3 solved C# Readint a txt file … Read more

[Solved] File Handling Operations in c

The array is better declared and allocated like this: char **lineArray;. lineArray = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * (lineCount-1)); strtok take a string as second argument. Replace const char j=’ ‘; by const char *j=” “; Get rid of the first strtok: lineArray[p]=malloc(strlen(line));//1st bunch of memory allocated strcpy(lineArray[p],line); printf(“%s\n”,lineArray[p]); //token = strtok(lineArray[p],j); //printf(“%s\n”,token); //serialno[p]=atoi(token); //printf(“%d\n”,serialno[p]); x=1; … Read more

[Solved] How to modify specific line in file [closed]

In general you don’t want to modify the contents of files directly (in-place) unless the data is formatted in fixed structures. The most common approach would be to rename the existing file, opening it to read, and opening a new file by the same name for write access. Then stream through the input data, performing … Read more

[Solved] How to create folders and files from text file with same names to insert with corresponding name?

It doesn’t make any sense to generate text files and then folders to move the files to. Create the folders first place and create the files into the folders. Using a (code block) only one for loop is needed. @echo off setlocal for /f “tokens=*” %%a in (comps.txt) do ( if not exist “%%a” mkdir … Read more

[Solved] Streamreader locks file

StreamReader smsmessage = new StreamReader(filePath); try { FileInfo filenameinfo = new FileInfo(filePath); …. smsmessage = filenameinfo.OpenText(); … You are initializing smsmessage twice, but only disposing one of those instances. The first line constructs a StreamReader, and then you overwrite your reference to that instance with the instance created by filenameinfo.OpenText(). That leaves you with an … Read more