[Solved] train a neural network on real subject input/output to have it behave similarly to subject

Your question is a bit broad, but i’ll try to answer nonetheless. To imitate a subjects behavior you could use and LSTM network which has an understanding of the state it’s in (in your case the state may include information about how fast and in which direction the dot is going and where the pointer … Read more

[Solved] How do you train a neural network without an exact answer? [closed]

TLDR; Reinforcement learning In general, training agents uses reinforcement learning. It is different than what you explained, because it seems as if you want to define a fitness heuristic to tell the agent whether it is doing OK or not, which might be biased. Reinforcement learning also has biases, but they are researchedand studied. A … Read more

[Solved] Is Deep Learning really needed for Facial expression recognition? Or Is this just like proposing saw for cutting cake?

As with many domains of computer vision recently, deep learning is not needed to perform the task but does outperform non-DL based methods. There is lots of prior work that uses other techniques, for example SVMs, to perform facial expression recognition. However if we look at more recent work like the FERA 2017 competition, for … Read more

[Solved] Pytorch crashes cuda on wrong line

I found an answer in a completely unrelated thread in the forums. Couldn’t find a Googleable answer, so posting here for future users’ sake. Since CUDA calls are executed asynchronously, you should run your code with CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 python script.py This makes sure the right line of code will throw the error message. solved Pytorch crashes … Read more

[Solved] Developing a customized caffe-based Convolutional Neural Network from scratch

I just copy the reply from there for those facing similar issues. You do not need a pre-trained model. Actually, when you are developing your own, custom architecture, you cannot even get a pre-trained model. 1200 images is not much, but without any other information, one cannot tell if it is enough or not. Maybe … Read more

[Solved] How to represent DNA sequences for neural networks?

Why not learn the numerical representations for each base? This is a common problem in Neural Machine Translation, where we seek to encode “words” with a meaning as (naively) numbers. The core idea is that different words should not be represented with simple numbers, but with a learned dense vector. The process of finding this … Read more

[Solved] Deep learning to predict the temperature

It sounds as if you’ve trained to a discrete classification, but you want continuous output. Switch your algorithm to do regression, rather than classification. Another possibility is to harness your last-layer output to interpolate. Use the weights given to the top choice and its strongest adjacent choice. For instance, if your classification gives 1 .01 … Read more