[Solved] Python script: Syntax error

You are missing parenthesis around the print statements. The correct syntax is: print(“Temperature: “, temperature,” C humidity: “, humidity) Python 3 requires print statements containing text to be inside of (” “), variables inserted like: print(” text “, variable, “more text”) solved Python script: Syntax error

[Solved] WEMOS D1 + DallasTemperature: How to print temperature and temperature comparison in if [closed]

In this line: int insideThermometer = (int)insideThermometer; You create a local variable and assign it to itself. Not what you wanted. The global var you are trying to use is DeviceAddress insideThermometer = { 0x28, 0xFF, 0x83, 0x51, 0xB2, 0x17, 0x4, 0x8A }; If you look at the source code, DeviceAddress is typdef’d as typedef … Read more

[Solved] Deep learning to predict the temperature

It sounds as if you’ve trained to a discrete classification, but you want continuous output. Switch your algorithm to do regression, rather than classification. Another possibility is to harness your last-layer output to interpolate. Use the weights given to the top choice and its strongest adjacent choice. For instance, if your classification gives 1 .01 … Read more