[Solved] Multiclassification task using keras [closed]

The keyword is “multilabel classification“. In the output layer you have multiple neurons, each neuron representing one of your classes. Now you should use a binary classification for each neuron independently. So if you have 3 classes, the output of your network could be [0.1, 0.8, 0.99] which means the following: The first class is … Read more

[Solved] Is Deep Learning really needed for Facial expression recognition? Or Is this just like proposing saw for cutting cake?

As with many domains of computer vision recently, deep learning is not needed to perform the task but does outperform non-DL based methods. There is lots of prior work that uses other techniques, for example SVMs, to perform facial expression recognition. However if we look at more recent work like the FERA 2017 competition, for … Read more