[Solved] Do you have any problems working with python library distributions (e.g. PyTorch) on the M2 chip of the new MacBook Pro? [closed]

Introduction The new MacBook Pro with the M2 chip is a powerful machine that can handle a variety of tasks. However, when it comes to working with Python library distributions such as PyTorch, there can be some issues. This article will discuss the potential problems that may arise when working with Python library distributions on … Read more

[Solved] How to perform multiplication along axes in pytorch?

Your most versatile function for matrix multiplication is torch.einsum: it allows you specify the dimensions along which to multiply and the order of the dimensions of the output tensor. In your case it would look like: dot_product = torch.einsum(‘bij,bj->bi’) solved How to perform multiplication along axes in pytorch?

[Solved] Pytorch crashes cuda on wrong line

I found an answer in a completely unrelated thread in the forums. Couldn’t find a Googleable answer, so posting here for future users’ sake. Since CUDA calls are executed asynchronously, you should run your code with CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 python script.py This makes sure the right line of code will throw the error message. solved Pytorch crashes … Read more