[Solved] Jumping to the next available date when merging panels

It’s more or less the same as your other question. The only change is that you’ll have to set “company,date” as the key columns to perform the join on (note that the order is important – it’ll first sort by company and then by date). require(data.table) ## 1.9.2 setDT(df) setDT(event) setkey(df, company1, date1) setkey(event, company2, … Read more

[Solved] Inserting ISO date in sql server

@dlatikay! based on your first comment i changed the datatype from DateTime to string and it worked. dTable.Columns.Add(“created_on”, typeof(string)); When the datatype is DateTime,the result is coming as expected,but on insertion to sql the value is changing.Now, while iam sending the value as string to sql,it is converting that string to DateTime and it worked. … Read more

[Solved] Check season of year in php

Just need to format the values o match yours $someDay = “2018-12-01”; $spring = (new DateTime(‘March 20’))->format(“Y-m-d”); $summer = (new DateTime(‘June 20’))->format(“Y-m-d”); $fall = (new DateTime(‘September 22’))->format(“Y-m-d”); $winter = (new DateTime(‘December 21’))->format(“Y-m-d”); switch(true) { case $someDay >= $spring && $someDay < $summer: echo ‘It\’s Spring!’; break; case $someDay >= $summer && $someDay < $fall: echo … Read more

[Solved] Why does this Javascript script not give ant output?

Avoid cascading of if’s var month = [“January”, “Feb”, “March”,….,”Dec”];//store array of months as string var suffix =[“st”,”nd”,”rd”,”th”]; var today = new Date(); var dd = today.getDate(); var mm = today.getMonth(); var yyyy = today.getFullYear(); var op=””; if(parseInt(dd) > 4) op+=dd+””+suffix[3]+”|”; else op+=dd+””+suffix[(parseInt(dd)%10)-1]+”|”; op+=month[parseInt(mm)]+”|”+yyyy; MAKE IT SIMPLE working fiddle FYI : just now saw the … Read more

[Solved] How can I add one month to change into the milliseconds?

I suggest: First, instead of your variables (fields?) year, month, day, hours and minutes just declare private LocalDate date; private LocalTime time; private long milliseconds; (Keep the milliseconds variable since you will want to have your result here.) In onDateSet assign a value to date in this way: date = LocalDate.of(selectedYear, selectedMonth + 1, selectedDate); … Read more

[Solved] How to parse date string into integer variables? [duplicate]

String date = “13-08-2016”; String[] values = date.split(“-“); int day = Integer.parseInt(values[0]); int month = Integer.parseInt(values[1]); int year = Integer.parseInt(values[2]); You can use String.split(String regex) method to parse the date to array of String then convert each value to int. JavaDoc: public String[] split(String regex) Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression. … Read more

[Solved] Calculate time interval to 0.00 of the next day according to GMT in swift or objective-c?

First create a Calendar for the UTC timezone. Second get the startOfDay using the UTC calendar. Third add one day to that date. Then you can useDatemethodtimeIntervalSince(_ Date)` to calculate the amount of seconds between those two dates: extension Calendar { static let iso8601UTC: Calendar = { var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .iso8601) calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: … Read more

[Solved] PHP 01/01/1970 Issues with Date Fields

Use below code $current=”DATE OF : 23/03/1951 BENCH:”; $DATEOF = preg_replace(‘/(.*)DATE OF (.*?)BENCH:(.*)/s’, ‘$2’, $current); if (!is_null($DATEOF)) { $oldDate = $DATEOF; $oldDateReplace = str_replace(array(‘!\s+!’, ‘/^\s+/’, ‘/\s+$/’,’:’), array(”,”,”,”), trim($oldDate)); $date=””.$oldDateReplace.”; $timestamp = strtotime($date); if ($timestamp === FALSE) { $timestamp = strtotime(str_replace(“https://stackoverflow.com/”, ‘-‘, $date)); } echo $newDateM = date(“m/d/Y”,$timestamp); echo $newDate = date(“F j, Y”,$timestamp); }else{$newDate=””;} 5 … Read more

[Solved] php date change to 12 hour format and add gmt +3 [closed]

If you want the GMT +3 timezone, you could apply this: date_default_timezone_set(‘Etc/GMT+3′); Although I don’t recommend it because PHP will not longer support that timezone. You might use one of the supported ones. And for the date being in 12-hour format use it this way: $date = date(‘m-d-Y h:i:s’); Lowercase h format character is for … Read more

[Solved] How to format “MM/yyyy” pattern to locale-dependent ” / yyyy” in SAPUI5?

Try with: <Text text=”{ path: ‘Period’, type: ‘sap.ui.model.type.Date’, formatOptions: { pattern: ‘MMM / yyyy’, source: { pattern: ‘MM/yyyy’ } } }” /> Here is a working demo (Click on Run code snippet): sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(() => sap.ui.require([ “sap/ui/core/Fragment”, ], Fragment => Fragment.load({ definition: `<Text xmlns=”sap.m” text=”{ value: ’12/2019′, type: ‘sap.ui.model.type.Date’, formatOptions: { pattern: ‘MMM / yyyy’, source: … Read more