[Solved] asp net. How to remove data from a database

Steps Get the user – ideally you want to use the userid (or primary key) to retrieve the user Remove the user from the db Save the changes in the context Code: var user = db.Users.Single(x => x.Nom == formUser.Nom && x.prenom == formuser.prenom); db.Users.Remove(user); db.SaveChanges(); solved asp net. How to remove data from a … Read more

[Solved] I am making a visual C# winform application. I want to store data in it [closed]

To create files, you will be using the System.IO.File namespace. This gives you access to methods such as Create(), CreateText(), WriteAllBytes(). Which method you use will depend on what type of data you are using. To save the file in your application directory, you can get the path using AppDomain.BaseDirectory So for example if you’re … Read more

[Solved] Raise statement

No. The block as a whole will get rolled back on failure, but the raise statement on its own does not perform a rollback. For example, this block fails and is implicitly rolled back (exactly as if it was an SQL insert etc): begin insert into demo(id) values(1); dbms_output.put_line(sql%rowcount || ‘ row inserted’); raise program_error; … Read more

[Solved] database view creation issue

You should join two tables using ‘inner join’ and you have to use a ‘where’ condition. In where condition use ‘AND’ to check its the same person using the employee id and then sum the total working hours. solved database view creation issue