[Solved] JOINning two List-of-Lists to one [closed]

Just use Pandas to convert your lists (income and Expenses) into Dataframes, merge them (in this case it’s basically an inner join on Year and Month) and then convert the Dataframe you get into a list of lists. df1 = pd.DataFrame(income, columns=[“Year”, “Month”, “X”]) df2 = pd.DataFrame(Expenses, columns=[“Year”, “Month”, “Y”]) joined = df1.merge(df2, on=[“Year”, “Month”]).values.tolist() … Read more

[Solved] SQL Server inner Join with the same table

List of critical model per store and main resources in stock if any or cero select a.sloc, a.model, a.stock critical, isnull(b.stock,0) ‘Main Resources’ from stock a left join stock b on a.model=b.model and b.sloc=”Main” where a.stock<5 For the last part of your request, I’m not sure what is needed for a new opened store. EDIT … Read more

[Solved] How to perform mysql joins in a normalized database with 9 tables

This query might help except ‘terms’ field bcoz there is no mapping from contract table to any other tables. select title,salary,descr,req,duties, county,name as comapny_name,job_location from job j join job_location jl on j.jid=jl.jid join location l on jl.lid=l.lid join job_company jc on jc.cid=j.jid join company c on c.cid=jc.cid 2 solved How to perform mysql joins in … Read more

[Solved] How do i join 3 tables in mysql? [closed]

The solution is to join on the common fields you already indentified: SELECT item_details.* FROM item_details JOIN item_detail_addon USING(Item_Details_Id) JOIN item_addon USING(Item_Addon_Id) If some fields on a table have the same name of a field on another table, you can get both by using aliases: SELECT table1.field1 as table1_field1 , table2.field1 as table2_field1 [ .. … Read more