[Solved] Tuples conversion into JSON with python [closed]

Assuming you want a list of dicts as the output of the json with each dict be the form in your question: The following one liner will put it into the data structure your looking for with each tuple generating it’s own complete structure: [{‘name’:i[0], ‘children’: [{‘name’: i[1], ‘value’: i[2]}]} for i in tuples] But … Read more

[Solved] d3 javascript series chart

I’ve managed to get the diagonal markers and pointers in alignment, pointing to the correct circle colors to represent that set. I am keen to fine tune this chart and have more control over the padding and chart width/height parameters. The chart looks stable but would be keen to test it with different values and … Read more

[Solved] How to make a bar chart for time duration with d3?

Your data is formatted fine. Just swap out the variable names in the linked example; date for letter and uptime for frequency. Finally since your data is already in JSON, you can inline into the <script> tag: <!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset=”utf-8″> <style> .bar { fill: steelblue; } .bar:hover { fill: brown; } .axis–x path { … Read more