[Solved] C# Switch Randomized [closed]
I am not sure that I get it correctly, but you may try Random rnd = new Random(); int caseSwitch = rnd.Next(1, 13); 2 solved C# Switch Randomized [closed]
I am not sure that I get it correctly, but you may try Random rnd = new Random(); int caseSwitch = rnd.Next(1, 13); 2 solved C# Switch Randomized [closed]
The major problem your code is facing is not about C but about the logical structure of your function. If your emailadd contains any character different from @ and/or different from . you ask for a new email address. That’s not what you want. Let’s structure your problem. Here is what you want to do: … Read more
You can work something out using lambda’s, but it will not be a clean syntax: return (chkStatus ? (Func<object>)(() => { DoLog(cmd.CommandText); return obj; }) : () => null)(); 1 solved C# Expressional if statements, possible expansion? [closed]
You can slightly improve your code by removing queue, you don’t need this. The rest of the code looks algorithmically optimal. #include <map> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; map<int, int> AB; map<int, int>::iterator it; std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false); while (1) { cin >> a; if (a == -1)break; cin >> b; AB.insert(pair<int, int>(a, … Read more
var inx = aaa.IndexOf(“2”); if (inx >= 0) { var result = bbb[inx]; } solved list finding with 2 list
if (File.Exists(“your file path”)) { // connect to database SqlConnection objSqlConnection=new SqlConnection(“server=;uid=sa;pwd=;database=test”); objSqlConnection.Open(); try { SqlCommand sqlcom=new SqlCommand(“your update sql statement here,objSqlConnection); sqlcom.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { } finally { objSqlConnection.Close(); } } 4 solved C# Help – Check file exists and update SQL table with result [closed]
The issue is you are not setting top properly, in your constructor you declared a local top which left stack::top uninitialized. stack(){ int top=-1; // } update to below code, should work: stack() { top = -1; } 1 solved Infix to Postfix conversion – segmentation fault [closed]
Solved it! In the last methode: Copyall: foreach (FileInfo fi in source.GetFiles(“*.MP4”)) { fi.CopyTo(Path.Combine(target.ToString(), fi.Name), true); total += (int)fi.Length; copied += (int)fi.Length; copied /= 1024; progressBar1.Step = copied; progressBar1.PerformStep(); label1.Text = (total / 1048576).ToString() + “MB van de ” + (maxbytes / 1024).ToString() + “MB gekopieĆ«rd”; label1.Refresh(); } solved File copy only x file extension
The docs state here (see also here) that extension methods [need to be] defined inside a non-nested, non-generic static class so in order to make the code example work, we need to put the ToTimestamp method inside a static class. public static class DateTimeExtensions { private static readonly DateTime _jan1St1970 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, … Read more
Maybe try this Please try to clean your solution: Build -> Clean solution. Try to remove any reference to this package: Ext.Net.Utilities and add it again. Try to open your Visual Studio with administrator right’s. 4 solved I trying to run a website but nothing works [closed]
Issue with: template <typename T> bool operator== (const String<T>& a, const String<T>& b ) is the deduction of T, and for “hello” == String<char>(“hello”), “hello” doesn’t match const String<T>&, so that overload is discarded. What you can do is to make it non template: template <typename T> class String { // non template function. friend … Read more
why is dp initialized to 0? for using for example addition operation dp[i]+=dp[i-2<0?0:i-2]; you should use a valid value not a random value why do we subtract ‘0’*10? for conversion of char to int you substarct the ascii of ‘0’ (0x30) for example ‘1’ /* 0x31 */ – ‘0’ /* 0x30 */ = 1 and … Read more
Ok, I found the glitch. Int the MainViewModel class, the TestViewModel property should be changed from: public IViewModel TestViewModel { get { return m_testViewModel; } set { m_testViewModel = value; OnPropertyChanged(“NewViewModel”); } } To: public IViewModel TestViewModel { get { return m_testViewModel; } set { m_testViewModel = value; OnPropertyChanged(“TestViewModel”); } } solved Creating abstract ViewModels … Read more
If you want to control the precision then include #include <iomanip> and use std::cout << std::setprecision(17); to set the number of digits you want. Also float has 6 significant bits precision whereas double has 12. So whenever your string has more than 6 digits in decimal there is a possibility of loosing the precision. 7 … Read more
.NET has a interface built in that does this for you, INotifyPropertyChanged. What you do is you have the setter raise the event and then the parent subscribes to the event. public class A : INotifyPropertyChanged { int _c = 0; public int p1 //this is child property { get { return _c; } set … Read more