[Solved] return type of bool function

Your functions mypredicate and compare are merely thin wrappers over the binary operators == and <. Operators are like functions: they take a number of arguments of a given type, and return a result of a given type. For example, imagine a function bool operator==(int a, int b) with the following specification: if a equals … Read more

[Solved] How can I differentiate between a boolean and a string return value using JavaScript? [closed]

According to this: @Esailija Why no sense? If it is true return a true, if it is false return false, if it is ‘somestring’ also return false. Get it? – Registered User 31 secs ago You want function parseBoolean(value) { return typeof value == “boolean” ? value : false; } But this obviously won’t pass … Read more

[Solved] What is the quickest way to flip a Java boolean? [closed]

I measured with the following code. public static void main(String[] args) { boolean myVariable = true; long startTime = 0; long endTime = 0; long duration1 = 0; long duration2 = 0; for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) { startTime = System.nanoTime(); myVariable = !myVariable; endTime = System.nanoTime(); duration1 += (endTime – startTime); startTime = System.nanoTime(); myVariable … Read more

[Solved] java -change boolean to yes no

This can be used to loop over the array and print “yes ” or “no ” : boolean[] newbirds = {false, true, true}; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for(boolean bird : newbirds){ sb.append(bird? “yes ” : “no “); } System.out.println(sb.toString()); solved java -change boolean to yes no

[Solved] Python: Looping issue or indentation

Your main issue was that you weren’t prompting them in the loop. import random x = random.randrange(1,1000) counter = 0 while True: guess = int(input(“I have a number between 1 and 1000. Can you guess my number?\nPlease type your first guess.”)) if guess == x: print (“Excellent! You guessed the number in”, counter,”tries.”) break else: … Read more

[Solved] I am trying to design a program that compares two strings for the same character in the same positions but same error keeps popping up

I did it!!!! public static boolean sameDashes(String a, String b){ int minlength = Math.min(a.length(), b.length()); String smallstring=””; String bigstring=””; if(a.length()== minlength){ smallstring = a; bigstring = b; } else { smallstring = b; bigstring =a; } int counter = 0; int x=0; int y=0; do{ if(smallstring.equals(bigstring)){ return true; } else if(smallstring.indexOf(‘-‘,counter)!= -1){ y++; if(bigstring.charAt(smallstring.indexOf(‘-‘,counter))== ‘-‘){ … Read more

[Solved] Boolean in Mutator Method

You’ll have to change the return type of your setter: public boolean setHeight(int newHeight) { if (1<=height && height<=10) { height = newHeight; return true; } else { return false; } } 4 solved Boolean in Mutator Method