[Solved] Updating asp.net JPG File

If you don’t want to refresh the page manually, you can add the following meta tag to your tag that will refresh it automatically. <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”5″> The above meta tag will refresh the page every 5 seconds. 3 solved Updating asp.net JPG File

[Solved] Need to get time part

I must say thanks to user853710 for a quick pattern. This will help you to collect the date from the given sting, and DateTime.TryParseExact plays the key role in the extraction process: string pattern = @”\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}”; string p = “v 0 fl 0x4; value 8 feat 0; sn AC0809099; mn -; tim 2015-10-11 20:50:36 … Read more

[Solved] add 10 empty rows to gridview [closed]

var list = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { list.Add(string.Empty); } gv_Others.DataSource = list; gv_Others.DataBind(); This is the quickest and dirtiest way I could think of, would I write something like this? No. But then I’m sure you have your reasons, would have been better if you’d written in … Read more

[Solved] how to replace values in sql

For getting output what you need ,first table record you need to de-concatenate, i mean single rows record make multi rows record and then put inner join. then again you need to apply concatenation on result using stuff function in sql server. 2 solved how to replace values in sql

[Solved] Replace xml node in c#

You mean something like this? XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlDocument xmlDoc2 = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlFile); xmlDoc2.Load(xmlFile2); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(“Root/RuleDTO/RuleID”); XmlNode node2 = xmlDoc2.SelectSingleNode(“Root/RuleDTO[1]/RuleID”); XmlNode node3 = xmlDoc2.SelectSingleNode(“Root/RuleDTO[2]/RuleID”); if (node != null && node2 != null && node3 != null) node3.InnerText = node2.InnerText = node.InnerText; xmlDoc2.Save(xmlFile2); solved Replace xml node in c#

[Solved] Object reference not set to an instance of an object Request.Browser set to null NullReferenceException [closed]

This code will not compile as c# will not allow you to have methods and properties that are not defined in a class/type. Really you need to have a class and that class should have a constructor and that constructor should take a Request instance as a parameter and execute a null value check in … Read more

[Solved] “Member Mapping specified is not valid” error when saving to a database with Entity Framework

The error message is pretty clear: The type ‘Edm.String’ of member ‘SEJ_STARDATE’ in type ‘HotelSearch.APP_SEJOUR’ is not compatible with ‘SqlServer.date Change edm.String to a recognizable datetime format (MM/DD/YYYY) by manipulating its contents or using DateTime.Parse solved “Member Mapping specified is not valid” error when saving to a database with Entity Framework

[Solved] Performance issue with this code [closed]

In short: You should create,open,use,close,dispose Connections where you’re using them. The best way is to use the using-statement. By not closing the connection as soon as possible, the Connection-Pool needs to create new physical connections to the dbms which is very expensive in terms of perfomance. Using conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(“ConnStr”).ConnectionString) Using insertCommand As New … Read more

[Solved] How to get text value of HTML label in c# in ASP.NET WebForms [closed]

As you are using WebForms the easiest is to change your ASPX to: <label ID=”myLabel” runat=”server” ClientIDMode=”Static” for=”Rdb_1″>No</label> and then in code behind: myLabel.InnerText However I would suggest you investigate using a label control as that would be even easier to use. solved How to get text value of HTML label in c# in ASP.NET … Read more

[Solved] ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized. Browser Game [closed]

You didn’t connect your SqlConnection and SqlCommand. Just define your connection as a second parameter like; SqlCommand CheckExp = new SqlCommand(“SELECT Experience FROM Player WHERE UserID=@uid”, connection); Or you can assing your SqlCommand.Connection property like; CheckExp.Connection = connection; 4 solved ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized. Browser Game [closed]