[Solved] Exception is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near ‘9988’ [closed]

Introduction This question is related to the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException error which occurs when there is an incorrect syntax near the value ‘9988’. This error can be caused by a variety of issues, such as incorrect SQL syntax, incorrect data types, or incorrect values being passed to the database. In this article, we will discuss the possible … Read more

[Solved] Exception is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Incorrect syntax near ‘9988’ [closed]

There must be a problem in one of your input parameters those you are directly reading from controls. This is not recommended anyway due to SQL injection attack threat. If you change your queries to us parameters (parameter queries), I hope this issue will be resolved. Following is an example how to use parameters. Note … Read more

[Solved] Change div visibility when radio button becomes selected [closed]

You need ClientID in javascript not the server id as asp.net will generate the new CliendID for server controls and the selector you have wont find element by that id. $(“#<%= RdbToday.ClientID %>”).change(function () { $(“#dateSelectorSpan”).hide(); }); $(“#<%= RdbDateRange.ClientID %>”).change(function () { $(“#dateSelectorSpan”).show(); }); Edit The code you have is working. Live Demo $(“#RdbToday”).change(function () … Read more

[Solved] Error when execute query [closed]

The roll number string in your where clause needs to be delimited as a string. This line query = query + ” ” + “WHERE rollNo=” + “2K12-BSCS-37″; should be replaced with query += ” ” + “WHERE rollNo=” + “‘2K12-BSCS-37′”; Note the single quotes. Better still would be to use string format to build … Read more