(Solved) How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?

Preliminaries JavaScript has only one data type which can contain multiple values: Object. An Array is a special form of object. (Plain) Objects have the form {key: value, key: value, …} Arrays have the form [value, value, …] Both arrays and objects expose a key -> value structure. Keys in an array must be numeric, … Read more

(Solved) “Notice: Undefined variable”, “Notice: Undefined index”, “Warning: Undefined array key”, and “Notice: Undefined offset” using PHP

Notice / Warning: Undefined variable From the vast wisdom of the PHP Manual: Relying on the default value of an uninitialized variable is problematic in the case of including one file into another which uses the same variable name. It is also a major security risk with register_globals turned on. E_NOTICE level error is issued … Read more

(Solved) How can I remove a specific item from an array?

Find the index of the array element you want to remove using indexOf, and then remove that index with splice. The splice() method changes the contents of an array by removing existing elements and/or adding new elements. const array = [2, 5, 9]; console.log(array); const index = array.indexOf(5); if (index > -1) { // only … Read more

[Solved] How to create dynamic lists from a json in javascript?

This might work, I have broken it down to simple functions so you can understand what is happening here. var job_execs = [{ “build_id”: 12, “job”: { “name”: “test_job” }, “product”: { “name”: “new_product” }, “time_start”: “2017-08-29T01:01:19.314000-07:00”, “time_end”: “2017-08-29T01:17:07.990000-07:00”, “status”: { “name”: “SUCCESS” }, “stage_executions”: [{ “stage”: { “name”: “stage-checkout” }, “status”: { “name”: “SUCCESS” … Read more