[Solved] jQuery return all Array [closed]

You’re overwriting templateArray in each iteration. Try .map() instead of each(): var templateArray = $.map(Basepath.Templates, function(tpl, i){ return { title: tpl.Template.name, src: ‘view/’+tpl.Template.id, description: tpl.Template.name }; }); console.log(templateArray); // now is only one array, containing template objects; 3 solved jQuery return all Array [closed]

[Solved] Check if n is in array [closed]

If I was developing this, I would: Keep all the words in a single set Skip the first question (you can determine word length by the length of the 2nd question) Set up a while loop for each question you ask the user so that it repeats the same question on invalid input. To check … Read more

[Solved] PHP :Initializing elements of session array

As every on suggested above, try this:- <?php session_start(); $_SESSION[‘yans’] = array(‘A’,’B’,’C’,’D’,’E’); echo “<pre/>”;print_r($_SESSION);die; ?> Output:- http://prntscr.com/7btkxv Note:- it’s a simple example given for your understanding. thanks. solved PHP :Initializing elements of session array

[Solved] Why if JavaScript array.split(‘ ‘).push(‘something’) returns number, but not array? [duplicate]

Push returns the number of items in the collection, not the collection itself. Try: var currentItems = obj.className.split(‘ ‘); currentItems.push(cls); obj.className = currentItems Instead of: obj.className = obj.className.split(‘ ‘).push(cls); 1 solved Why if JavaScript array.split(‘ ‘).push(‘something’) returns number, but not array? [duplicate]

[Solved] Accessing data in a text file [closed]

Simply: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> int main() { std::fstream file(“table1.txt”); std::string word; while (file >> word) { // do whatever you want, e.g. print: std::cout << word << std::endl; } file.close(); return 0; } word variable will contain every single word from a text file (words should be separated by space in your file). 1 … Read more

[Solved] I have a list of file names and I need to be able to count how many of the same file gets repeated for each file name [closed]

If you already have a list of filenames use collections.Counter: from collections import Counter files = [“foo.txt”,”foo.txt”,”foobar.c”] c = Counter(files) print (c) Counter({‘foo.txt’: 2, ‘foobar.c’: 1}) The keys will be your files and the values will be how many times the file appears in your list: solved I have a list of file names and … Read more