[Solved] How to read two matrices from a txt file in java

You have to: read first line split it to get dimensions read next lines (regards dimensions) read special char (@) repeat Reading first array you have there: static void readFile() throws IOException { BufferedReader reader; reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(“file.txt”)); String firstDimension = reader.readLine(); String[] split = firstDimension.split(” “); int firstX = Integer.parseInt(split[0]); int firstY … Read more

[Solved] How to create a new object from existing entries?

An approach should consider breaking the OP’s entire task into two separate ones. Within an intermediate step one firstly does reduce the list of material items into a map of (grouped) material items. The final step does a map–reduce on the values of the intermediate result, where the reduce task is responsible for summing up … Read more

[Solved] get first element of an array

If you want the first element of an array, you should use reset. This function sets the pointer to the first element and returns it. $firstValue = reset($value[‘record’][‘records’]); Edit.. after reading your question again, it seems, you dont want the first element. You rather want this if (isset($value[‘record’][‘records’][0]) && is_array($value[‘record’][‘records’][0])) { // multiple return values … Read more

[Solved] How do I divide an array into separate arrays in C#?

I probably interpret your question wrong, as this seems too easy: Determine into how many arrays the source array will be divided. (totalCount / elementsPerArray) For each array: Determine how many elements to put in it. (elementsRemaining / arraysRemaining) Copy those elements to a new array. In code: private static List<string[]> DivideStrings(int expectedStringsPerArray, string[] allStrings) … Read more

[Solved] JavaScript IndexOf with heterogeneous array [closed]

Why 5 is missing ? console.log(5 === “5”) indexOf(5) isn’t -1 because 5 and “5” are two different value ( indexOf uses strict equality ) MDN indexOf console.log([5].indexOf(5)) console.log([“5”].indexOf(5)) How can i match both 5 or “5” ? Check for both numeric and string value. var myArray = [“2”, “3”, 5] var found = []; … Read more