[Solved] C++ Word guessing game [closed]

crke[b] = ugib[b]; This line should be: crke[b] = ugib[z]; You might want to consider investing some time in learning how to use a debugger, which would’ve helped you figure it out. solved C++ Word guessing game [closed]

[Solved] String to Array to list [closed]

You just need to replace the spaces with <br>‘s? echo str_replace(‘ ‘, ‘<br />’, $_POST[‘cake_list’]); Of course you should sanitize the POST, but this is a quick example for you. solved String to Array to list [closed]

[Solved] how to map many arrays values that have same construct to an object?

my solution. I like just using the ES6(es2015+) way. const test_array = [ { “name”: “AnyManagedFundsRow”, “columnMeta”: { “a0”: “STRING”, “a1”: “STRING”, “a2”: “STRING”, “a3”: “DATE”, “a4”: “DATE”, “a5”: “DOUBLE”, “a6”: “INT” }, “rows”: [ [ “华夏基金管理有限公司”, “华夏大中华企业精选灵活配置混合(QDII)”, “其他型基金”, “2016-01-20”, “”, 21.877086009428236, 65135 ], [ “华夏基金管理有限公司”, “华夏大盘精选混合”, “混合型基金”, “2015-09-01”, “2017-05-02”, 10.307680340705128, 2944 ] ] } … Read more

[Solved] Why am I getting this error ?? java.lang.ClasscastException

The top level object in your JSON file is an array so: class letsRead { public static void main(String [] args) { String inline = “”; try { URL url = new URL(“https://gist.githubusercontent.com/anubhavshrimal/75f6183458db8c453306f93521e93d37/raw/f77e7598a8503f1f70528ae1cbf9f66755698a16/CountryCodes.json”); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod(“GET”); conn.connect(); int responsecode = conn.getResponseCode(); System.out.println(“Response code is: ” +responsecode); if(responsecode != 200) throw new RuntimeException(“HttpResponseCode: ” … Read more

[Solved] Array index is out of range but the index is zero and array length is 300

To be honest I didn’t fully understand your code sample, but in the following IF-block: if(b>1 || l<Laenge) b can still be 0 because it’s an OR statement, so later inside this IF-block the statements new_Ver[n]=new_Ver_s[l,b-1]; new_UV[n]=new_UV_s[l,b-1]; will try to index at -1. 2 solved Array index is out of range but the index is … Read more

[Solved] c#, non-prime numbers, array, returning, method [closed]

static void Main(string[] args) { int[] array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 }; List<int> nonprimeNumbers = new List<int>(); int sumofnonprimenumbers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (!IsPrime(array[i])) { //Console.WriteLine(array[i]); nonprimeNumbers.Add(array[i]); } } Console.Write(“Non-Prime Numbers:”); for (int i = 0; i < nonprimeNumbers.Count; … Read more