[Solved] How to use json decoded data in blade laravel

You can Decode json data in view.blade.php like this : <tbody> @foreach($vehicles as $vehicle) <tr> <td> @foreach(json_decode($vehicles->plate_number) as $plate) {{ $plate[‘variable_name’] }} @endforeach </td> <td>{{ $vehicles->delivery_capacity }}</td> </tr> @endforeach </tbody> solved How to use json decoded data in blade laravel

[Solved] How can I separate a single String into two parts? [duplicate]

You used to have str.split(“,”); and split() is a void method. It doesn’t alter str. you could fix it by replacing str.split(“,”) with: str = str.split(“,”), or you could put it all on one line like: while ((str = br1.readLine()) != null) userstr.add(str.split(“,”)[0]); 2 solved How can I separate a single String into two parts? … Read more

[Solved] Getting java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, looked, cannot find an example thats the same

In your for loop, i correctly iterates from 0 to the maximum length. However you have code such as: tweetArray[i+1] … tweetArray[i+7] that will fail once i reaches (or gets close to) its maximum. That is, you are referencing past the end of the array. In general, if you need to check something about the … Read more

[Solved] i want to remove double quotes from a string without replace function

If I understood your requirement correctly, you can just use bracket notation like obj[‘a’].name var obj = { a: { “name”: “Emma” }, b: { “name”: “Harry” }, c: { “name”: “Jonny” } }; var ary = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { console.log(obj[ary[i]].name) } Here you pass … Read more

[Solved] Create a comparison in an array

import Foundation let serverOutput = Data(“”” [ { “language”: “French”, “number”: “12” }, { “language”: “English”, “number”: “10” } ] “””.utf8) struct LangueUsers: Codable { let language: String let number: Int enum CodingKeys: CodingKey { case language case number } init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) language = try container.decode(String.self, … Read more