[Solved] I don’t want my app to get uninstalled by user for a particular period of time

There is no way to do this, unless the app is enrolled in Android Enterprise (which is their program to allow businesses to control fleets of hardware. Using that you can install apps and prevent their uninstallation). Otherwise no, there’s no way an app can prevent the user from uninstalling itself. That would basically make … Read more

[Solved] Error:(45, 36) error: cannot find symbol method findViewbyId(int)

you are overriding findViewById, remove these lines from code on first screen/Java code (always paste code and stacktrace as text!) public void findViewById(int z1){ } as you see findViewById is always void… this method belongs to Activity and you shouldn’t mess with them. it work like a charm and will return you proper View. doc … Read more

[Solved] How to open an Image from on Itemclick listener

Your error itself gives answer of your question. requestFeature() must be called before adding content That means your second Activity needs this change requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main4); requestWindowFeature() must be before setContentView() After your updated question now your error is java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘void android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.setAdapter(android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter)’ on a null object reference you need to check … Read more

[Solved] Android studio..i got an error while running the hello world on android studio 6 can you please solve it [closed]

You can try the following to get ADB working: First search for adb.exe in processes of task manager and end it and try to run application. If the above doesn’t work or you can’t see adb.exe in task manger go for the next way Open command prompt, give path of platform-tools and write following commands … Read more

[Solved] Is an activity a class

Your activities are indeed classes. Look at the declarations! public class MainActivity extends Activity { ^^^^^ // see? it’s a class! And the class is in whatever package it says on the top of the file. e.g. package com.example.myapp; every new activity has it’s own XML I guess this is where you are most confused. … Read more