[Solved] Confused about this ‘lab’

Based on the description you gave, the desired output appears to be: the count (0..10000) of each number from one to six; and the average of all numbers. So you’ll probably want something like this: Number 1 occurred 1662 times. Number 2 occurred 1676 times. Number 3 occurred 1600 times. Number 4 occurred 1696 times. … Read more

[Solved] You are given an array consisting of n integers. Print the last two digits of the product of its array values [duplicate]

You can try this (it’s version of Python3): n = int(input()) arr = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split())) result = 1 for num in arr: result = (result * num) % 100 print(“{:02d}”.format(result)) A little bit modify for better algorithm: n = int(input()) arr = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split())) result = 1 for num in arr: result = (result * … Read more

[Solved] React jQuery(this) selector is not working

this points to React component instance and not the input element. You can achieve this using event.target class LoginReg extends Component { render() { function minimizeLabel(event){ $(event.target).closest(“.Reg-fields”).css(“border-bottom”, “2px solid #f99”); $(event.target).closest(“label”).css(“top”, “-15px”).css(“font-size”, “.7em”).css(“transition”, “.3s ease-out”); } return ( <div> <div className=”custom-container”> <div className=”Reg-fields”> <input type=”email” onClick={minimizeLabel}/> <label>Email</label> </div> </div> ); } 1 solved React jQuery(this) … Read more

[Solved] Why is my code miscalculating the total force from a list of (magnitude, angle) pairs? [closed]

from math import sqrt, sin, cos, atan2, degrees, radians def find_net_force(forces): h_force = sum( [ force[0] * cos(radians(force[1])) for force in forces ] ) v_force = sum( [ force[0] * sin(radians(force[1])) for force in forces ] ) r_force = round(sqrt((h_force ** 2) + (v_force ** 2)), 1) r_angle = round(degrees(atan2(v_force, h_force)), 1) return (r_force, r_angle) … Read more

[Solved] If I built an app with a CSS framework, and then they change their styles, would the look of my site change with? [closed]

Question 1 As mentioned in the question, say one of these front end libraries were to update their UI components, would these changes reflect in my app or is it version dependent? Oh, yes, the appearance of your site will definitely change. Suppose you had this CSS library: .ui { font-family:system-ui; } body { background-image:url(“/some/image/and/the/file.jpg”); … Read more

[Solved] How to pass array from php to javascript using smarty 3? [closed]

In php: $names = [‘jim’, ‘lucy’]; $smarty->assign(‘names’, $names); In javascript, var arr = {$names|json_encode}; Notice: If you changed your smarty default_modifiers to array(‘escape:”html”‘), use var arr = {$names|json_encode nofilter}; to make everything work. Good luck. solved How to pass array from php to javascript using smarty 3? [closed]

[Solved] Android – java Cloud Firestore : NullPointerException when converting data toObject [duplicate]

The UserSettings class has a constructor that looks like this: public UserSettings(ArrayList<User> mUser, ArrayList<UserAccountSettings> mSettings){ } This constructor doesn’t set the user and settings variables defined in this class and it is the constructor you use to create the return value of the getUserSettings method. return new UserSettings(mUser, mSettings ); // `mUser` and `mSettings` are … Read more

[Solved] Website posting and login [closed]

You seem to be talking about a Content Management System. I’d suggest you look at some of the (many) options out there e.g. WordPress or Drupal – neither is perfect but both are widely supported. 2 solved Website posting and login [closed]

[Solved] Shortening the following if statement?

As was mentioned by cco: if data.char in “123456789” data.board[row][col] = int(data.char) The in operator evaluates to true if it finds a variable in the specified sequence and false otherwise. It can be used for lists, strings, tuples and dictionaries. However the in will only check the keys of the dictionary – not the values. … Read more