[Solved] Java Date and utcTimeOffset [closed]

java.time, the modern Java date and time API ZoneId danishTime = ZoneId.of(“Europe/Copenhagen”); DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(“uuuuMMddHHmmss”); DateTimeFormatter offsetFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(“XX”); String dateTimeString = “20180730131847”; String offsetString = “+0200”; ZoneOffset offset = ZoneOffset.from(offsetFormatter.parse(offsetString)); ZonedDateTime dateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeString, dateTimeFormatter) .atOffset(offset) .atZoneSameInstant(danishTime); System.out.println(“Danish time: ” + dateTime); Output from this code is: Danish time: 2018-07-30T13:18:47+02:00[Europe/Copenhagen] The time zone … Read more

[Solved] Java Confusion– Someone Translate?

The value you’re looking at, is seconds from epoch. It is not a duration, but actually a date. In JavaScript, you may convert this value to milliseconds from epoch, and construct a date object out of it. See the following snippet: var secondsFromEpoch = 1518292800; var millisFromEpoch = secondsFromEpoch * 1000; var date = new … Read more

[Solved] user friendly date format using python

With given format, you can use dateutil.parser.parse to handle it. Here’s some code: d = “2017-10-23T03:36:23.337+02:00” time = dateutil.parser.parse(d) print(time.strftime(“%d/%m/%y %H/%M/%S”)) The output is: 23/10/17 03/36/23 4 solved user friendly date format using python

[Solved] How to create dynamic lists from a json in javascript?

This might work, I have broken it down to simple functions so you can understand what is happening here. var job_execs = [{ “build_id”: 12, “job”: { “name”: “test_job” }, “product”: { “name”: “new_product” }, “time_start”: “2017-08-29T01:01:19.314000-07:00”, “time_end”: “2017-08-29T01:17:07.990000-07:00”, “status”: { “name”: “SUCCESS” }, “stage_executions”: [{ “stage”: { “name”: “stage-checkout” }, “status”: { “name”: “SUCCESS” … Read more

[Solved] Java / Scala – how to convert string to long?

java.sql.Timestamp (a subclass of java.util.Date) uses milliseconds for time while the Unix timestamp counts seconds. If you have a Unix timestamp you need to multiply it by 1000 (and divide by 1000 to get a Unix timestamp from a Java Date). solved Java / Scala – how to convert string to long?

[Solved] What is the pattern of this type of Date?

Use Joda-Time, It’s a popular library and works like charm. Steps to follow: Add Jodatime to your project. Here Download Joda-time 2.Add below code. String date = “2016-09-07T02:03:30.000+03:00”; DateTime dt = new DateTime( date) ; System.out.print(dt.toDate()); My Output: Wed Sep 07 04:33:30 IST 2016 4 solved What is the pattern of this type of Date?

[Solved] How to parse a JSON file? [closed]

Here is a Python program that performs the conversion you ask for. Copy this code into a file called, for example, “convert.py”. You can then run the program like so: python convert.py my_existing_file.json my_new_file.txt Here is the program: import argparse import json # Get filenames from user parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( ‘input’, type=argparse.FileType(‘r’), help=”input JSON … Read more

[Solved] how can i make a countdown timer that goes past the 60minutes

The current minute is never an issue. You are concerned with the duration since last blocked, not with “what time was that”: block_user.php: <?php $now = new DateTime(); write_block_into_database($ip_address, $now->format(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’)); ?> check_block.php <?php $sql=”SELECT 1 FROM sometable WHERE ip_address=? AND DATE_ADD(blocked_at, INTERVAL 1 HOURS) >= NOW()”; if(get_result($sql, $ip_address)) { // this address is blocked … Read more

[Solved] Getting Issue in Parsing String Using PHP

Assuming the following variable $string contains your sample json string. Decode using json decode and iterate over the inner Products array. $json = json_decode($string); foreach($json->Products as $product){ print $product->IXOneId . ‘ ‘ . $product->UPC12 . PHP_EOL; } Will output SNL1080 037014000245 SNL1090 747599617003 SNL1079 024182001822 SNL1102 745158300519 SNL1077 024182001891 SNL1148 039978003645 SNL1110 070670005759 SNL1083 037014000290 … Read more

[Solved] Edit date/time string via Javascript/jQuery

You can follow this code: HTML <div class=”date-string”>2016-01-14T10:30:37+02:00</div> <div class=”date-string”>2013-02-16T10:30:37+02:00</div> <div class=”date-string”>2017-03-15T10:30:37+02:00</div> JavaScript var d, newDateFormat; function getZero(number){ if(number < 10) return ‘0’ + number; return number; } $(‘.date-string’).each(function(){ d = new Date($(this).html()); newDateFormat = getZero(d.getDate()) + “https://stackoverflow.com/” + getZero(d.getMonth() + 1) + “https://stackoverflow.com/” + d.getFullYear(); $(this).html(newDateFormat); }); And here is the output: 2 solved … Read more

[Solved] How to build this date and store it as a string?

Please see http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php I’m not sure that I understood you in the correct way, but in case if .000 means milliseconds and -00:00 means difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours, than that’s an answer: $date = new \DateTime(‘now’); var_dump($date->format(“Y-m-d\Th:i:s.vP”)); Output: string(29) “2017-11-27T08:37:56.449+00:00” As far as v option was added just in PHP7 you may … Read more