[Solved] How to self register class instances using the CRTP?

I decided to reopen the question and self answer based on Yakk’s fixes. Seems to be a more common problem (see here for example) Yakk’s example solved it: #include <cstdint> enum class CommandId : uint16_t { Command1 , Command2 , }; #include <map> #include <functional> #include <string> //#include “CommandId.h” class Registry { public: static std::map<CommandId,std::function<void … Read more

[Solved] What is the use of iter in python?

First of all: iter() normally is a function. Your code masks the function by using a local variable with the same name. You can do this with any built-in Python object. In other words, you are not using the iter() function here. You are using a for loop variable that happens to use the same … Read more

[Solved] Sorting Array in c# [closed]

string[] iniArray = { “M Facci”, “D Thornton”, “B Luke”, “S Tofani”, “T Luke” }; var sortedArray = iniArray.OrderBy(r => r.Split(‘ ‘).Last()).ToArray(); or (courtesy @killercam) var sortedArray = iniArray.OrderBy(r => r.Split().Last()).ToArray(); Assuming there is only First Name and Last Name in a string, also, there exists a Last Name. To display the resulted array: foreach … Read more

[Solved] Java Expect “{” error dont understand

Remove .java in source code. change below line public class Bister.java { like this public class Bister { Your code will be like import java.util.Scanner; public class Bister { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print(“Input first number: “); int num1 = in.nextInt(); System.out.print(“Input second number: “); int num2 = … Read more

[Solved] How to subtract two inputs with each another

<input id=”total” type=”text”> <input id=”v1″ type=”text”> <input id=”v2″ type=”text”> <button type=”button” onclick=”update()”>Update</button> <script> function update() { var total = parseInt(document.getElementById(“total”).value, 10); var value1 = parseInt(document.getElementById(“v1”).value, 10); var value2 = parseInt(document.getElementById(“v2”).value, 10); document.getElementById(“total”).value = total – (value1 + value2); } </script> Working example: https://jsfiddle.net/md9ebo00/5/ I would not suggest using onchange=”update” as an attribute for the two … Read more

[Solved] TYPO3: Add special menu CE and add class=”active”

The answer: Copy the original fluid template (menu of subpages of selected pages in my case): typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/Menu/Type-1.html TYPO3 v8: different path and different names typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/xxx.html To (coherently to the directory you’ll declare in point 4) EXT:myExtension/Resources/Private/Partials/Menu/Type-1.html Add a variable that gives the current page id in your setup (libs.ts, probably this can be done easier … Read more

[Solved] how to convert for loop results in json

In your loop, create a new array occurance each iteration. Then use json_encode() to turn that array into a valid JSON string. $json = []; for ($i = 0; $i < (count($getnodays)); $i++) { $json[] = [‘Category’ => $getctgry[$i], ‘Priority’ => $getpriotity[$i], ‘NoOfDays’ => $getnodays[$i], ‘StDate’ => $date1[$i], ‘EdDate’ => $date2[$i], ]; } echo json_encode($json); … Read more

[Solved] Is it safe to turn on the Developer options in my Android smartphone?

No problem arises when you switch on the developer option in your smart phone. It never affects the performance of the device. Since android is open source developer domain it just provides permissions which are useful when you develop application. Some for example USB debugging, bug report shortcut etc. solved Is it safe to turn … Read more

[Solved] When making an if statement can I make it so a void that is already running be overwritten? [closed]

This line sounds strange: if (RedCircle2.hidden = YES, BlueCircle.hidden = YES, YellowCircle.hidden = YES) You are assigning YES to hidden property of RedCircle2, BlueCircle and YellowCircle and this will always be TRUE as a boolean expression…. You probably wants to do this: if (RedCircle2.hidden && BlueCircle.hidden && YellowCircle.hidden) 3 solved When making an if statement … Read more