[Solved] How do I use es6 syntax with split? [duplicate]

.split results in an array output but you’re destructuring it as if it were an object. Do const [city, country] = ‘los gatos, california’.split(/\s*,\s*/); console.log(city); console.log(country); You destructure by using array destructuring ([..]) instead of object ({..}) solved How do I use es6 syntax with split? [duplicate]

[Solved] My code isn’t executing [closed]

The code does not require explanation. def getNegativesList(postivesAndNegativeslist): if postivesAndNegativeslist is None: return None elif len(postivesAndNegativeslist) == 0: return None negativesList = [] for val in postivesAndNegativeslist: if val<0: negativesList.append(val) return negativesList print(getNegativesList([2,-3,-5,10,-1])) 6 solved My code isn’t executing [closed]

[Solved] Cast increment and assign in C

[How can I] De-reference and assign a value to a pointer and increment the pointer by (uint64_t) bytes in one line[?] You are trying to do too many things with a single expression. You should break it up. Moreover, “one line” is more or less arbitrary. I could take your one-liner and spread it out … Read more

[Solved] About ListBox limit item [closed]

From your question, it looks like you need to implement virtualization on the listbox. You can either use a VirtualizingStackPanel inside a Listbox as ItemsPanel Template or you use – ItemsControl and set its property VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing=”True” This should help. solved About ListBox limit item [closed]

[Solved] How To Display Date (/Time/Author) In pages?

WordPress has some nifty functions which do this for you. You’ll need some experiences with HTML, CSS, PHP to style the output and understand what these functions do but the functions you’re looking for are: the_date() which displays the post date. the_author() which displays the author of the post. In your theme will most likely … Read more

[Solved] How to display like this format in PHP

I think giving some more information about what you try to archieve and what you already have would be better for the response. Could you maybe tell if you already getting the data, how you are getting the data(format). Its simple if you are using a framework like laravel, in controller fetch the data from … Read more

[Solved] Creating an object from a class [closed]

what does each dictionary mean technically? The first Dictionary indicates that the type of the variable is Dictionary. Since you’re creating a new dictionary, you call the Dictionary class’ constructor i.e. Dictionary(). You can think of the new keyword as a word that you need to write in order to call any constructor. That said, … Read more

[Solved] How to add nofollow on all external links without plugin?

This is how I would do it : 1/ create a filter to access the post content before it’s displayed on page. See http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/the_content 2/ Inside your fonction called (ie : my_the_content_filter in the example from the Codex) adapt this code : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5037592/how-to-add-rel-nofollow-to-links-with-preg-replace Cheers ! 1 solved How to add nofollow on all external links … Read more

[Solved] C – Cannot iterate through second string onward [closed]

Hint: You have to clear the the consonant and vowel counts after increment the other (e.g {c_vwl++;c_cnsnt=0;}), not when they are equal, and always tests your BAD condition. I will not give you a sample code. Good luck 4 solved C – Cannot iterate through second string onward [closed]

[Solved] how to set font-awesome check icon when click then check [closed]

$(“#box1”).click(function() { $(“#box1”).css(“display”, “none”); $(“#check1”).css(“display”, “block”); }); $(“#check1”).click(function() { $(“#box1”).css(“display”, “block”); $(“#check1”).css(“display”, “none”); }); $(“#box2”).click(function() { $(“#box2”).css(“display”, “none”); $(“#check2”).css(“display”, “block”); }); $(“#check2”).click(function() { $(“#box2”).css(“display”, “block”); $(“#check2”).css(“display”, “none”); }); $(“#box3”).click(function() { $(“#box3”).css(“display”, “none”); $(“#check3”).css(“display”, “block”); }); $(“#check3”).click(function() { $(“#box3”).css(“display”, “block”); $(“#check3”).css(“display”, “none”); }); <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css”><script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/jquery.js”></script><script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js”></script><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css”><style>#check1, #check2, #check3 { … Read more

[Solved] A book that contains, Shor’s algorithm, McEliece cryptosystem, Lattice-based cryptography, Discrete logarithm [closed]

There is “Post-Quantum Cryptography” published by Daniel J. Bernstein. The book is more of a general overview and doesn’t go that far into details. It contains sections about lattice based, hash based and code based cryptography. Shor’s algorithm as well as discrete logarithm aren’t handled in depth, but there is a general overview. I think … Read more

[Solved] click() command not working on document.getElementsByClassName()

getElementsByClassName returns a HTMLCollection, which is an array-like object. That means that in you case, you should get the element at index 0, which ideally for the kind of application that you are building should be the only one that you get: document.getElementsByClassName(‘btn btn-danger btn-lg btn-block betButton’)[0].click() Otherwise your extension will probably stop working if … Read more