[Solved] My wordpress website is not listed in google [closed]

The reason it is not being indexed is because of this in head <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow”> That will say not to index the website, remove it and it should start to get indexed/crawled….I think you might need to look into the basics of SEO. EDIT: To remove that line either: Open the header.php file and … Read more

[Solved] WordPress wp_nav_menu within iFrame

To get a working nav menu WordPress needs to be set up complete. My suggestion is to use add_feed(). Ignore the name, you get text/html as output. Let’s start with code <?php # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- /* Plugin Name: T5 Iframe Nav Menu Description: Display a nav menu in an iframe. Version: 2012.05.18 Refresh … Read more

[Solved] Dynamic Url & Canonical meta tag issue [closed]

Yes you are correctly specifying the canonical link for each time the page is hit. That’s what it is intended for (google discusses it here). So that whatever URLs people are using to generate this page, you are telling Google that the official link for this content is http://www.ladydecosmetic.com/makeup-kits-cat-67. I think it’s reasonable to suspect … Read more

[Solved] WordPress – different post title on frontend than in url [closed]

If I understand what you want correctly, you can place this code in the functions.php of your theme function set_my_seo_title($title, $id) { global $post; $seo_title=get_post_meta($id, ‘_yoast_wpseo_title’, true); return ((!empty($seo_title)&&$post->post_type==’post’) ? $seo_title : $title); } add_filter(‘the_title’, ‘set_my_seo_title’, 15, 2); This will check if post got SEO title set. If yes, it will be used, if no … Read more

[Solved] SEO optimization of Angular.JS project [closed]

First of all, you should form title meta tags and description. const metaTags = { get(metaTagName) { switch (metaTagName) { case `titleMeta`: return angular.element(`meta[property=”og:title”]`); case `descriptionMeta`: return angular.element(`meta[property=”og:description”], meta[name=”description”]`); } } } Now, you have to create the function which will receive our title in a form of string through the parameters. const metaTags = … Read more

[Solved] How to add nofollow on all external links without plugin?

This is how I would do it : 1/ create a filter to access the post content before it’s displayed on page. See http://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Filter_Reference/the_content 2/ Inside your fonction called (ie : my_the_content_filter in the example from the Codex) adapt this code : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5037592/how-to-add-rel-nofollow-to-links-with-preg-replace Cheers ! 1 solved How to add nofollow on all external links … Read more