[Solved] How to change a custom query into a standard loop?

In order to be able to use template tags, you have to do two things after getting your custom select query: You have to declare the global $post variable. You have to call the setup_postdata($post) function to populate the variables. So, my code had to be changed like so: $results = $wpdb->get_results($wp_query->request, OBJECT); global $post; … Read more

[Solved] Comparing two list of objects and forming a new list by comparing one property of two list in java 8 [closed]

You want intersection of the list while saving of first list type. Get the common field values in the Set. valuesToCheck=secondList.stream().map(SecondListObject::commonFiled).collect(Collectors.toList); ”’ Apply a stream on the first while filtering based on the matching common field value in the set built in the previous step. firstList.stream().filter(x->valuesToCheck.contains(x.getCommonFiled)).collect(toList) You got the gist. 1 solved Comparing two list … Read more

[Solved] Why doesn’t String.split(“:”) work correctly?

You have a problem in this part: if(hour.startsWith(“0”)) { tTime = hour.split(“0”); if(tTime.length > 0) hour = tTime[0]; else hour = “0”; } So if your input is “08:15”, hour value is “08”. Now when you split it using delimiter “0”, you get an array { “”, “8” }. So, now tTime[0] is “”. Use … Read more

[Solved] How to get number value of string value that is changing ; javascript [closed]

Firstly, make your object valid. Then just split on a comma to extract the desired values. let obj = { map: { geo: “20.471884,-157.5056”, p: “Hawaii” } }; const [lat, lng] = obj.map.geo.split(“,”); console.log(lat); console.log(lng); The name is obj not location because location is reserved. solved How to get number value of string value that … Read more

[Solved] show only a given level in nav menu

You need to extend Walker_Nav_Menu in such a way that it only outputs, if I understand you, items that are not “zero” depth– top level. class my_extended_walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args ) { if (0 !== $depth) { parent::start_lvl($output, $depth, $args); } } function end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) { if (0 !== $depth) … Read more

[Solved] How to get the text of an anchor tag selected by xPath() using selenium and Mocha

You can try this approach: driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//a[contains(@class, ‘user-name m-r-sm text-muted welcome-message’)]”)).getText().then(function(text){ console.log(“Username : ” + text); }); you only need to search via findElement (not findElements) and directly extract the text before the function part UPDATE: Sometimes the object is not really hidden, but also not in the viewport, then gettext() also returns an empty String. … Read more

[Solved] display public excerpt for private post

I’ve not tested this, but you should be able to complete this task by placing the following code in your template above the loop. query_posts( array( ‘post_status’ => array( ‘published’, ‘private’ ) ) ); This should allow for published and private posts to be displayed in that template. 4 solved display public excerpt for private … Read more