[Solved] Finishing activities A & B from activity B and go to activity C in android

The better solution is, you should replace startActivity() with startActivityForResult() for activity transition. And from logout userActivity you just set a result and you will get onActivityResult in your mainActivity if you handle it properly.Then you can simply finish mainActivity. Refer https://developer.android.com/training/basics/intents/result.html Another way is finish MainActivity from its onResume, if the activity onResume is … Read more

[Solved] A program which is difficult

Essentially, your question is this: given a graph with nodes represented as indices and edges as index pairs, and given an index i that represents a node, find all nodes which are connected to the given node. UnionFind algorithm to find connected components over nodes with indices: Initialize an array father of size number of … Read more

[Solved] Error “Value can’t be null”, UIAutomationElement

It seems that the following line is language sensitive: Condition condNewTab = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, “New Tab”); That is to say that “New Tab” rather than being an internal field is a localised string. This means that this line must be updated to have the correctly localised version of this text. It is quite possible that … Read more

[Solved] Relationship between tables in ms sql server [closed]

your table structure should be below PatientTable PatientId int Primary Key, PatientName varchar(50), EmailId varchar(50) Password varchar(50) TestTable TestId int Primary key, TestName varchar(50) PatientTestTable PatientId int FK(PatientTable) TestId int FK (TestTable) This way you can give relationship to two tables. you need to understand funamental of RDBMS. 1 solved Relationship between tables in ms … Read more

[Solved] Get one JSON value with another?

Parse it and Iterate over it var data = JSON.parse(‘{“XXX”:{“x”:”1″,”y”:”2″},”XXX”:{“x”:”3″,”y”:”3″}}’); var y = 0; $.each(data, function(i, item) { alert(‘With Jquery X = ‘+item.x); alert(‘With Jquery Y = ‘+item.y); //if you want to get the value of y based on x or vice versa then check if(item.x == 3) { y = item.y; } }); // … Read more

[Solved] Somethings wrong with my code TEXTVIEW

Make sure your verScore has the reference of TextView in XML. Try this: int verbalSc = 0; TextView verScore; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ……….. …………….. verScore = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.your_textview); } public void verbal1(){ verbalSc = verbalSc + 1; Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), “1”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); verScore.setText(Integer.toString(verbalSc)); } 1 solved Somethings wrong with my code TEXTVIEW

[Solved] Move Files That Do Not Exist

For sure you don’t want to create text files listing file names, and then compare them. That will be inefficient and clunky. The way to do this is to walk through the source directories looking for all the files. As you go, you’ll be creating a matching destination path for each file. Just before you … Read more

[Solved] Python Score Counter For Controlled Test [closed]

for counter in range(0, 5): while True: try: whohost = int(input(“Who hosted the game? “)) whowins = int(input(“Who was the winner? “)) if whohost in schoolnumber and whowins in schoolnumber: break else: raise ValueError() except ValueError: print(‘Please enter a valid number from the list {}’.format(schoolnumber)) if whohost == whowins: homescores[whowins-1] += 2 else: awayscores[whowins-1] += … Read more