[Solved] Somethings wrong with my code TEXTVIEW

Make sure your verScore has the reference of TextView in XML. Try this: int verbalSc = 0; TextView verScore; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ……….. …………….. verScore = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.your_textview); } public void verbal1(){ verbalSc = verbalSc + 1; Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), “1”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); verScore.setText(Integer.toString(verbalSc)); } 1 solved Somethings wrong with my code TEXTVIEW

[Solved] Reset a Radio button inside a Radio group

This is how I did it: It is in C# but I think it is easy to convert it to Java. I used tag to know if this radio button checked before or not. False => It is not checked True => It is checked radiobutton.Tag = false; radiobutton.Click += SingleChoiceQuestionAlternativeClick; Then: private void SingleChoiceQuestionAlternativeClick(object … Read more

[Solved] How to call a form when there are 3 forms in a project and data Transfer between the forms in C#?

Can you explain why you don’t want to touch your Program.cs file? This is exactly where you change the start-up form. Change the: Application.Run(new Form1()); to: Application.Run(new Form4()); Secondly, you can set the filters on Open- and SaveFileDialog using the Filter property. Set it to a value like this: XML Files|*.xml Or for text: Text … Read more

[Solved] php radio buttons submit form issue

You have to add attribute , ” required ” to all the input fields so that an error message will be displayed when one is empty!! To check if the answer is correct, you can use php! $name=$_GET[“name”]; $email=$_GET[“email”]; $ans=$_GET[“ans”]; if($ans==’correct’){ // you can use mail command here header(“location:correct.php”); }else{ header(“location:incorrect.php”); } solved php radio … Read more