[Solved] Android apps on ios

You can’t install android app on an ios device. Android and IOS are entirely different. They are different operating systems. For example, Facebook app runs on both android and ios but this doesn’t mean that they are same apps. They are developed differently. Ie two different app made ko run on different OS. solved Android … Read more

[Solved] syntax error unexpect something [closed]

Try this: <?php $i=0; foreach($model->authors as $key=>$author) { if(++$i<count($model->authors)) { echo ‘<a href=”’.$author->name.'”>’.$author->name.’;</a>’; } else { echo ‘<a href=”’.$author->name.'”>’.$author->name.’ </a>’; } } Or if you don’t mind a slight change use this because it is a little simpler: <?php $ret=””; foreach($model->authors as $key=>$author) $ret.=($ret?’; ‘:”).'<a href=”’.$author->name.'”>’.$author->name.'</a>’; echo $ret; solved syntax error unexpect something [closed]

[Solved] how to merge a number of lists in to one list [duplicate]

You can do: old_list = [ [‘ID 1d6b:0002’], [‘ID 1d6b:0002’], [‘ID 1d6b:0001’], [‘ID 1d6b:0001’], [‘ID 1d6b:0001’], [‘ID 1d6b:0001’], [‘ID 1d6b:0001’], [‘ID 0b38:0010’], [‘ID 093a:2510’]] new_list = [x[0] for x in old_list] This uses list comprehension to create a new list that contains the first elements ([0]) all on the lists in the old list. Hope … Read more

[Solved] Why alert window not displayed?

You need to inject the dependency $window as follows app.controller(‘MainCtrl’, function($scope,$window) { $scope.fireOnExpand = function(){ $window.alert(“eee”); } }); Here is a demo Alternatively, just use alert(‘eee’); $scope.fireOnExpand = function(){ alert(“eee”); } Here is a demo P.S. The main reason your alert window wasn’t being displayed after adding $window is, because the button was out of … Read more

[Solved] How “java.util.Comparator.compare(String o1, String o2) ” method works

Strings are comparable in a lexicographic order (i.e., the order they’d appear in a dictionary). If you want to implement a Comparator for clothes sizes, you’d have to write the logic yourself. E.g.: public class ClothesSizeComparator implements Comparator<String> { private static final List<String> SIZES = Arrays.asList(“XS”, “S”, “M”, “L”, “XL”, “XXL”, “3XL”); @Override public int … Read more

[Solved] Initialize Ruby codes error

class Dog def set_name(name) @dogname = name end def get_name return @dogname end def talk return “awww” end def initialize(title, description) @title = title @description = description end end #That will cause an error because your new method have two arguments. doggy = Dog.new bogart = Dog.new(‘The Book’, ‘The road not taken’) bogart.set_name(‘Sam’) puts bogart.get_name … Read more

[Solved] How to make ArrayList of hashset in java? [closed]

Just make an ArrayList of HashSets : ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> list = new ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>>(); Then create HashSets, fill them, and put them in your ArrayList normally. HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(1); set.add(whateverIntValue); list.add(set); You can then get the nth HashSet of your list using list.get(n). solved How to make ArrayList of hashset in java? [closed]

[Solved] Increase the speed of this code? Foreach

Might be slightly faster, I haven’t tested, but if [‘Data’][‘Show’] will be true or false then this is how I would do it: $pass = array_filter($var, function($v) { return $v[‘Data’][‘Show’]; }); If it could be other values that evaluate to false then: $pass = array_filter($var, function($v) { return $v[‘Data’][‘Show’] !== false; }); solved Increase the … Read more

[Solved] How to use mysql insted of mysqli in PHP

http://php.net/manual/en/intro.mysql.php The mysql_* functions have long been deprecated, and were finally removed in PHP 7. The mysqli_* functions are quite similar and it should be pretty easy to ‘upgrade’ a piece of code to use mysqli, even if you don’t use the extra features, like bind parameters. But for a course, even a small difference … Read more

[Solved] Is my SQL syntax really wrong? [closed]

Try adding white spaces between your query words and make sure you escape the input: $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id); $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str); $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name); $r=mysql_query(“INSERT INTO varta (id,data,name) VALUES (‘$id’,’$str’,’$name’);”); Or better yet – take a look at MySQLi or PDO and use prepared statements. solved Is my SQL syntax really wrong? [closed]