[Solved] Symfony 3, Guard & Handlers

The new Guard is aimed to ease the implementation of custom authentication patterns such as yours. It is likely to be enough for most of the case even complex ones. However, try to extract your custom processing, logging, etc. from your Guard and inject them to improve the maintainability of it. Take a close look … Read more

[Solved] How to join strings together within a list? [closed]

To add items to the end of a list, you want to use foodList.append(choice); This way you don’t need to worry about the indexing involved with .insert(). That means you either have to rearrange your if statements or get better acquainted with insert(): https://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/datastructures.html 5 solved How to join strings together within a list? [closed]

[Solved] Calling methods on a List object of type Class [closed]

Some Background It not exactly clear what your asking… but it sounds like you want to know why you can’t call the methods defined in MessageHandler from your list test of type List<MessageHandler>. The definition of List<E> in the javadoc explains that the parameter E is the type that the list can contain. The add(E … Read more

[Solved] How can I take integer regex?

As others have posted, the regular expression you are looking for is: \d{4}-\d{6} The full code I would use: import re my_string = ‘Ticketing TSX – 2016-049172’ matches = re.findall(r”\d{4}-\d{6}”, my_string) print matches If, for example, the length of the second digit varies from 6 to 8 digits, you will need to update your regular … Read more

[Solved] Here is a simple java code giving an error may i know why so

Consider this line, Test1 t2 = t1.print();//wrong code You have to explicitly typecast in this situation. Test1 t2 = (Test1)t1.print();//correct code You have to explicitly typecast in case of narrowing conversion(Parent class—>child class) Your compiler automatically typecasts in widening conversions(Child class—>Parent class). 3 solved Here is a simple java code giving an error may i … Read more

[Solved] Side by side box plot in ggplot2 [closed]

To plot two plots (or more) in one figure, you can use the facet_grid function in ggplot2 (http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/facet_grid.html for more info). You can choose on which trait the plots will be facetted by using a formula. On the left hand side you can mention rows (graphs under each other) and on the left hand side … Read more

[Solved] Accessing a tags value in JQuery [closed]

First of all your html structure is invalid, the starting and ending of tags are not proper: <a> tag and <figure> tag are not closing properly, so have a look into it and correct html first I am posting answer by changing some html: $(‘.addBasket’).click(function(){ // here we have used .siblings as we need to … Read more

[Solved] Printing Array in struct

You can’t print the two values by using x[i]. You must print them one-by-one. You probably want something like: for (i=0;i<12;i++) { printf(“\t index %d value %f, %f \n\r”,i, x[i].a, x[i].b); } 1 solved Printing Array in struct