[Solved] PLEASE assist me.. RE: *FORM FIELDS* I want to Hide() my “type=text box” until the Other option is chosen in the dropdown option

Two main issues with your original code: 1- Using a wrong selector for the onchange event, replace “Other” by “#title” 2- You were checking if the value is equal to “Other” instead of the “other” you have in your HTML. Be careful, string comparison is case-sensitive! Below is a working snippet after applying these two … Read more

[Solved] How to compare a string with a struct (which include strings too)? [closed]

I think you should be comparing the string WITHIN the struct. Username[i].usernameadmin == username This would compare string username with string usernameadmin. The == operator can be used to compare strings in C++, thanks to overloading. You can still use .compare as well. Username[i].usernameadmin.compare(username) 10 solved How to compare a string with a struct (which … Read more

[Solved] Why does it return max for 2.0 in java? [closed]

for (int i=1; i<numbers.length;i++) result=numbers[i]; this makes result the last element of the array, not the greatest one… You probably wanted for (int i=1; i<numbers.length;i++) result = Math.max(numbers[i], result); 1 solved Why does it return max for 2.0 in java? [closed]

[Solved] Few questions about initialization and lambda in c++ [closed]

Ad 1. You’ve been bitten by the most vexing parse. Basically, C++ grammar causes ambiguities between statements and declarations in certain cases. In such cases, the input is interpreted as a declaration. Since int i() can be interpreted as an integer variable definition, or a function declaration, it is interpreted as a declaration of parameterless … Read more

[Solved] C++ Using Class to Define New Type

Defining a constructor that takes a const char* as parameter and a copy constructor should do it. Having a copy constructor there also means you’d need a copy assignment operator and a destructor. You should also decide whether your objects assume ownership of the strings. In your example – a.value = “Hello, “; – just … Read more

[Solved] Program fails to open file

In string literals, the “\” slash is the escape character. In order for your string literal to work properly you need to escape each “\” with the “\”. In other words, replace each “\” with two slashes like so: inFile.open(“C:\\Users\\Muhammad Shaeel\\Desktop\\CC\\Lexical Analyser Code\\Lexical Analyser Code\\program.txt”); solved Program fails to open file

[Solved] Regex for finding the second occurrence of a character in a dynamic string in javascript

const regex = /(.*?&.*?)&.*/; const str = `https://www.bing.com/search?q=something+something+something+something&mkt=en-IN&organic=True&ads=False&snippet=False`; const result = str.replace(regex, ‘$1’); The regular expression searches everything before the second “&” and replaces the original string with this match. solved Regex for finding the second occurrence of a character in a dynamic string in javascript

[Solved] How create customs cell

Since it seems you don’t have any xibs, you probably want to register the class itself: tableView.register(CreateAccountCell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier:”CreateAccountCell”); 0 solved How create customs cell