[Solved] What is option -O3 for g++ and nvcc?

It’s optimization on level 3, basically a shortcut for several other options related to speed optimization etc. (see link below). I can’t find any documentation on it. … it is one of the best known options: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-compiler-driver-nvcc/#options-for-altering-compiler-linker-behavior solved What is option -O3 for g++ and nvcc?

[Solved] C++ vector of strings segfault

As panta-rei correctly pointed out, it looks like you’re trying to contain a string of the form “string” + string form of (i) but you’re actually doing pointer arithmetic which is illogical in this case (you’re just passing a pointer incremented i from some location – who knows what’s in that memory?). In order to … Read more

[Solved] How to save and update points in a share preferences

You need to convert the int to String using pointsAvailable.setText(“C”+String.valueOf(pointsAmount)); And to save the points, you need to store them in the SharedPreferences in onRewarded: saveCoins.edit().putInt(“C”,pointsAmount).commit() solved How to save and update points in a share preferences

[Solved] Count character repeats in Python

You can use itertools.groupby for this: >>> s = “aaaXXXbbbXXXcccXdddXXXXXeXf” >>> import itertools >>> sum(e == ‘X’ for e, g in itertools.groupby(s)) 5 This groups the elements in the iterable — if no key-function is given, it just groups equal elements. Then, you just use sum to count the elements where the key is ‘X’. … Read more

[Solved] Program C Simple Little Program Mistake

After the preprocessor runs, you’re left with: int main() { int girlsAge = (“14” / 2) + 7; printf(“%s can date girls who are %d or older.\n”, “Hunter Shutt”, girlsAge); return 0; } As you can see, “14” is a string, not a number. #define AGE 14 would fix it, but you’re better using variables … Read more

[Solved] How to use class method to stop loop? [closed]

You want to call a method, so you would have to add the parenthesis: myclass obj = new myclass(); obj.b = true; while (obj.notEnough()) { //Methods are always called by using the parenthesis () Thread.Sleep(5); } 6 solved How to use class method to stop loop? [closed]

[Solved] Javascript error message ‘Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (‘ [closed]

You’re missing a closing brace to close this else block… else { _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Modals’, ‘skipped’, $(this).attr(‘name’)]); }); This is how it should be… else { _gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ‘Modals’, ‘skipped’, $(this).attr(‘name’)]); } }); solved Javascript error message ‘Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token (‘ [closed]