[Solved] Error on findViewById – Subsampling Scale Image View – Android [closed]

Quick solution: Replace id.imageView with R.id.imageView. What happens is, when you want to reference an ID, you go to the R (Resources) directory provided by android. You have to go to the resources directory (R), and then in there there’s the id directory. Then there’s your id. So, the final result is R.id.imageView. 2 solved … Read more

[Solved] php, string to int

PHP is executed on the server side, while javascript is executed on the client side; if you want a value from javascript to be sent to PHP, you will need to write up some kind of script to pass the data, via AJAX, GET, etc. edit: database != data 0 solved php, string to int

[Solved] Switch with specific type in TypeScript not working

Just replace your object with an enum, that’s what they’re for: export enum APP_STATUS { CONFIRMED, INCONSISTENCIES, SUCCESS, ERROR, LOADING, OK, } export interface Inconsistency {}; export interface InconsistenciesLoading { type: APP_STATUS.LOADING; } export interface InconsistenciesError { type: APP_STATUS.ERROR; } export interface InconsistenciesSuccess { type: APP_STATUS.SUCCESS; } export interface InconsistenciesData { type: APP_STATUS.INCONSISTENCIES; data: Inconsistency[]; … Read more

[Solved] PHP – duplicate value [closed]

string $val_for_Db = “”; for ($i=0;$i<$loop;$i++) { $val_for_Db = $val_for_Db.””.$value.”:”; } $val_for_Db = substr($val_for_Db ,-1); Now insert $val_for_Db to database. 2 solved PHP – duplicate value [closed]

[Solved] Generic object inside class constructor [closed]

Is Id a function with generic object as first parameter and optional GUID as a second parameter? Not quite. It is a function with a generic object as a first parameter (the type of T is defined elsewhere, probably in the class definition) that returns a nullable GUID. solved Generic object inside class constructor [closed]

[Solved] How does YouTube work?

For Youtube, it is probably a pre-populated white list https://blog.google/products/chrome/improving-autoplay-chrome/ If you don’t have browsing history, Chrome allows autoplay for over 1,000 sites where we see that the highest percentage of visitors play media with sound. For other cases, you can refer to the following rules (for Chrome at least) https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes Autoplay with sound is … Read more

[Solved] C# console application returns: “not all code paths return a value” [closed]

You need to return a string value from DoWork function. this code only execute Working function, but didn’t return string value from DoWork function. public string DoWork() { Working(); } so you might return a value from DoWork function because DoWork method signature must return a string value. public class SomeType { public string DoWork() … Read more

[Solved] Why my code did not get into my function [closed]

My psychic debugging skills tell me that your function is an iterator function, meaning that it contains yield return; statements. Code in iterator functions is only executed as the result is iterated. This is called deferred execution. 4 solved Why my code did not get into my function [closed]

[Solved] C# arguments values in methods [closed]

Here are three versions of your code to demonstrate what is going on, and what I think you’re really asking: Original: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set c to 100 int c=100; // Print the result of Count, which (see below) is ALWAYS 115. MessageBox.Show(Count(c).ToString()); } public int Count(int a) { // … Read more

[Solved] html tag transfer it up or down use jquery and ajax when click [closed]

Add classes to your up/down links: <div id=”menu”> <div id=”line1″> A <a class=”up”>up</a> <a class=”down”>down</a></div> <div id=”line2″> B <a class=”up”>up</a> <a class=”down”>down</a></div> <div id=”line3″> C <a class=”up”>up</a> <a class=”down”>down</a></div> <div id=”line4″> D <a class=”up”>up</a> <a class=”down”>down</a></div> <div id=”line5″> E <a class=”up”>up</a> <a class=”down”>down</a></div> </div> Add CSS to hide unused first and last link: #menu > … Read more

[Solved] Need a simple help in C [closed]

Part 1 Firstrly result &= 0 is used for setting 0 to result variable using bitwise AND operation. Bitwise with 0 will ever return 0. You can write it simply this way: result = 0 The better (much optimal) way of doing this is: result ^= result. (Bitwise XOR) Part 2 This loop will iterate … Read more

[Solved] what does & mean? C [duplicate]

Contrary to your question, the program prints Everything we know is a lie! The bitwise operation of & is this dec binary -8 111111111111111111111000 7 000000000000000000000111 ———————— & 000000000000000000000000 However, the first statement Math is good -8 and 7 are both not zero would print if you used the logical operator && because both -8 … Read more

[Solved] When do you use a String over int [closed]

Conventionally, you use the type that best fits your scenario. If you need to do math associated with a number, use a datatype capable of that, like int, double, long, float, etc. If you don’t need to perform math on it, or you’re using it as a label, then a String is acceptable. (In all … Read more