[Solved] How to Write Regular Expression for Indian Names [closed]

If you want to catch all strings containing only upper and lowercase characters, periods and spaces, you can use ^[a-zA-Z\. ]+$ Here’s a breakdown of how the regex works ^ matches the beginning of the string [a-zA-Z\. ] matches any character a-z, A-Z, or a period or space     + makes the above match any string … Read more

[Solved] ListView : List Item are repeating on scroll

You have not set the tag on the view , do convertview.setTag(holder) … if(convertView == null) { convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.style_row, null); holder = new ViewHolder(); holder.txtTitle = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.txtAbout); holder.txtContent = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.txtDetail); convertView.setTag(holder) } Your code seems fine , problem might be that you are requesting multiple times from your code on the server … Read more

[Solved] Java time variable [duplicate]

The LocalTime class represents a time of day, without any date component. That seems to be the class you want to use here. You can create LocalTime objects with LocalTime.of, and compare them with isBefore and isAfter. Like this. LocalTime sevenThirty = LocalTime.of(7,30); LocalTime eightTwenty = LocalTime.of(8,20); LocalTime nineOClock = LocalTime.of(9,0); if(eightTwenty.isAfter(sevenThirty) && eightTwenty.isBefore(nineOClock)) { … Read more

[Solved] index string by character

from itertools import zip_longest list1 = [‘one’, ‘two’, ‘twin’, ‘who’] chars = {} for i, item in enumerate(zip_longest(*list1)): set1 = set(item) if None in set1: set1.remove(None) chars[i] = max(set1, key=item.count) Without importing any library: list1 = [‘one’, ‘two’, ‘twin’, ‘who’] width = len(max(list1, key=len)) chars = {} for i, item in enumerate(zip(*[s.ljust(width) for s in … Read more

[Solved] Loading message

Yeah an old-school question! This goes back to those days when we used to preload images… Anyway, here’s some code. The magic is the “complete” property on the document.images collection (Image objects). // setup a timer, adjust the 200 to some other milliseconds if desired var _timer = setInterval(“imgloaded()”,200); function imgloaded() { // assume they’re … Read more

[Solved] How to Regular Expression match not having a constant at the end of a string (.net validator)

(?> … ) is the syntax for an atomic grouping. And the syntax for look-ahead assertion is just (?! … ). Edit   Try this regular expression instead: .*$(?<!-CONST) The .*$ will consume everything and the look-behind assertion will exclude those that end with a -CONST. Edit    Just for completeness’ sake: If your regular expression language does not … Read more

[Solved] This procedure not working

The problem is not at the procedure it is at the calling. When you call the stored procedure, you need to declare and pass in the required parameter declare @NAME VARCHAR(50), @CITY VARCHAR(200), @MOBILE NUMERIC(20) execute GETDETAIL @AGE = 21, @NAME = @NAME OUTPUT, @CITY = @CITY OUTPUT, @MOBILE = @MOBILE OUTPUT SELECT @NAME, @CITY, … Read more

[Solved] Converting C code to Java [closed]

double* ptr; ptr = (double*)malloc(10*_R_CONST*sizeof(double)+2048); This is the C way of allocating an array dynamically at runtime, the Java equivalent is double[] ptr = new double[10*_R_CONST+256]; (Note that Java does not need the sizeof(double) factor, since it allocates objects, not bytes. For the same reason, the 2048 byte buffer shrinks to 256 doubles.) Similar, the … Read more

[Solved] Div’s won’t go under eachother

Is this what you are looking for? @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans); body{ color: white; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, sans-serif; } #wrapper{ margin: 0 auto; } #header{ background-color: #00CACA; width: 100%; float: left; } #middle-section{ background-color: #FFAA00; width: 100%; float: left; } #footer{ background-color: #D0003F; width: 100%; float: left; } <div id=”wrapper”> <div id=”header”> <p>Header</p> </div> <div id=”middle-section”> <p>Middle … Read more

[Solved] PHP – how many times [duplicate]

Wouldn’t it be great if there were a function like array_count_values? </sarcasm> Some example code of usage: $arr = array(…); $valCounts = array_count_values( $arr ); echo $valCounts[‘hey’]; I highly recommend browsing php.net and, in-particular, learning the array functions. 0 solved PHP – how many times [duplicate]

[Solved] Facebook wall post [closed]

Quoting from facebook “Feed Dialog” docs: message This field will be ignored on July 12, 2011 The message to prefill the text field that the user will type in. To be compliant with Facebook Platform Policies, your application may only set this field if the user manually generated the content earlier in the workflow. Most … Read more