[Solved] What are some different ways of making an effective email validation method without using regular expression in objective c?

my attempt @interface Tester : NSObject +(BOOL) testForValidMail:(NSString *)mail; @end @implementation Tester +(BOOL)testForValidMail:(NSString *)string { NSRange atRange = [string rangeOfString:@”@”]; BOOL b = NO; if ((atRange.location != NSNotFound) //is `@` present && (atRange.location != 0) // and is `@` not at the beginning -> left substring exist && (atRange.location != string.length-1) // and not at … Read more

[Solved] Tkinter Python 3.3.2 calculator [closed]

You can use an instance of a tkinter Label widget for the display, and a group of tkinter Button widgets for the buttons. Use the grid geometry manager to organize them on the screen. You can associate each button with a command that will either add a number to an internal register, or perform a … Read more

[Solved] How do I convert this c++ function to c#? [closed]

Use the TextWriter class. using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(“file.txt”)) { writer.WriteLine(“64”); // etc. } Or async: using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(“file.txt”)) { await writer.WriteLineAsync(“64”); // etc. } 3 solved How do I convert this c++ function to c#? [closed]

[Solved] What to do with my error? [closed]

You have to initialized the variable before to use them. decimal days = 0.0; decimal registrationFee = 0.0; decimal lodgingFee =0.0; decimal total = 0.0; decimal lodgingCal= 0.0; 2 solved What to do with my error? [closed]

[Solved] Get the trim value from the double value

So basically you want to round a number up. ceilf is what you want, it will return a float so you want to use that to one decimal place. NSLog(@”ceilf %.1f”, ceilf(1.23456)); 2015-03-06 14:42:39.537 [xxxx] ceilf 2.0 1 solved Get the trim value from the double value

[Solved] How do i stop loop

First problem you would have with the current code is that once you have clicked the button it would result in lot of messages being sent even before user realizes that he sent that many messages, you need to induce a delay between each message. The next problem is that your app could hang as … Read more

[Solved] NameError: name ‘num’ is not defined

num is not actually used in multiply() so there is no reason to pass it in. Instead, declare multiply() without the argument: def multiply(): ”'(num1 * num2)”’ . . And call it from __main__ like this: if maths == “Multiplication” or “m” or “x”: multiply() There seems no point in checking within multiply() whether it … Read more

[Solved] Using a function in php

The problem is likely because you are mixing $op and $_POST[‘operation’]. Also, you have a concern about your if statements. Because you return in each one, you can simplify this a great deal without increasing runtime complexity. function total($num1, $num2, $op) { if($op == “+”) return “$num1 + $num2 = “.($num1 + $num2); if($op == … Read more

[Solved] How do print the following pattern in C/C++?

Here is an approach : int cur=1,num=1; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { for(int j=0;j<cur;j++) { if(j!=0) printf(“*”); printf(“%d”,num++); } printf(“\n”); cur++; } cur=4,num=10; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { int temp=num-cur+1; for(int j=0;j<cur;j++) { if(j!=0) printf(“*”); printf(“%d”,temp++); } printf(“\n”); num-=cur; cur–; } solved How do print the following pattern in C/C++?

[Solved] Retrieving variables from functions

in javascript the IIFE and Closure principles var f = (function() { var localFunc = function(){}; var localVar1 = 3; var localVar2 = 4; // publish return { localFunc: localFunc, localVar: localVar1 } })(); f.localFunc(); // ok f.localVar2; // nok I don’t known if i answered the question solved Retrieving variables from functions

[Solved] Uppdating a variable [closed]

in class 1 create a method like this public void Update() { // Put logic here to update position for your ball on the curve. } Call update from class 2 when you increment the time. private void Timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Class1.Update(); a += 1 } 1 solved Uppdating a variable [closed]