[Solved] How to Login with username, email, phone number

You can use a OR statement to check multiple conditions: <input id=”login” type=”text” class=”form-control {{ (@error->has(‘phone’) || @error->has(’email’) || @error->has(‘name’)) ? ‘is-invalid’ : ” }}” name=”email” value=”{{ old(‘phone’) ?: old(’email’) ?: old(‘name’) }}” required autofocus> solved How to Login with username, email, phone number

[Solved] How to do data exploration before choosing any Machine Learning algorithms [closed]

Firstly, you have to understand Machine Learning as a field, and have some understanding of its sub fields. If you don’t intuitively understand your tools, you won’t be able to identify when to use them. The idea you’re talking about is called exploratory data analysis, and it can be very approachable if you think about … Read more

[Solved] How can I split a string in Python? [duplicate]

This is actually a great application for a python list comprehension one-liner! my_str=”123456781234567812345678″ splits=[my_str[x:x+8] for x in range(0,len(my_str),8)] //splits = [“12345678″,”12345678″,”12345678”] Let me know if you have any questions. 3 solved How can I split a string in Python? [duplicate]

[Solved] Creating/Writing an XML file in PHP?

According to your code, you’re already building the XML content yourself. XML files are just regular text files, so in this case you don’t need any of the special XML functions that validate and render. Instead, you can simply save your text to the .xml file: file_put_contents(‘/tmp/test.xml’, $xmlBody); file_put_contents allows you to forego all the … Read more

[Solved] Why don’t child elements show inside an ng-if div when it’s true?

Use ng-show instead of ng-if. ng-if creates it’s own scope so any scope variables you use inside of an ng-if will be related to a different scope. For example… <div ng-if=”selectedColors”> {{iAmDefinedInAController}} </div> The variable ‘iAmDefinedInAController’ will be empty even if it is defined in the controller because a new scope is created inside the … Read more

[Solved] in java while working on eclipse IDE,

The only difference in your two cases, is the parameter passed to you “println” function: In CASE1: System.out.println(” result”); Here the parameter ” result” (double quote should not be omited) is a string literal. It represents the word itself you typed between the double quote symbol and do not related with the int variable result … Read more

[Solved] What datatype would is expected for the arrays in c++?

I’m guessing here based on the many questions leading up to this. It is pretty obvious that you do not want sample type to be a scalar, but a 2-dimensional array. I will sketch a generic short-cut that would allow you to write mean_square_displacement::operator() to accept those, potentially even without knowing the concrete type(s) of … Read more