[Solved] What kind of html link is this? [closed]

This type of link shows that you are entering a particular directory in the root of the website. Let say you saw this link from a website called me.com then it means you have me.com/directory/subdirectory/category?catID=2 However /directory/subdirectory/category?catID=2 is a query to the directory on that website. solved What kind of html link is this? [closed]

[Solved] How to change the application language by user choice?

Although its not recommended to use separate language for your app other than the Android system’s . But you can still change it . Below is the code : private void setLocale (String localeCode , Bundle b ){ Log.d(TAG+”set location function: “+localeCode); locale = new Locale(localeCode); Locale.setDefault(locale); Configuration config = new Configuration(); config.locale = locale; … Read more

[Solved] How to add missing keys to array

function getAllYears(array $array): array { $allKeys = []; foreach ($array as $data) { foreach ($data[‘data’] as $years) { if (!in_array($years[‘x’], $allKeys, true)) { $allKeys[] = $years[‘x’]; } } } sort($allKeys); return $allKeys; } function addMissingKeys(array $array): array { $allYears = getAllYears($array); foreach ($array as $key => $data) { $currentYears = array_map(static function ($year) { return … Read more

[Solved] Migrating from MariaDB to MySQL – differences

Read this link https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/mariadb-vs-mysql-compatibility/ which discusses in detail the compatibility issues between various versions of MariaDB and MySQL: And there was a toolkit called ESF Database Migration Toolkit Choose a Data Source Choose a Destination ESF Database Migration Toolkit ( http://www.easyfrom.net/ ): This toolkit dramatically cuts the effort, cost, and risk of migrating to/from any … Read more

[Solved] Summarizing a python list of dicts

Here’s something you can try. It uses a collections.defaultdict or collections.Counter to count High, Med and Low for each product, then merges the results at the end. from collections import defaultdict, Counter product_issues = [ {“product”: “battery”, “High”: 0, “Med”: 1, “Low”: 0}, {“product”: “battery”, “High”: 1, “Med”: 0, “Low”: 0}, {“product”: “battery”, “High”: 1, … Read more

[Solved] Replace words in a string one by one using C#

You can query the source string with a help of Linq while matching whole word of interest with a help of regular expressions: using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; … string source = @”This is example 1, this is example 2, that is example 3″; string word = “is”; string[] result = Regex .Matches(source, $@”\b{Regex.Escape(word)}\b”, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) .Cast<Match>() … Read more

[Solved] Display a toast after clicking an item in a RecyclerView

According to this question this is the best way to implement clicking on the item of RecyclerView Firstly create a file values/ids.xml and put this in it: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <resources> <item name=”item_click_support” type=”id” /> </resources> then add the code below to your source for Java Copy the following helper class to your project public … Read more

[Solved] replace href value in dom variable [duplicate]

If i understand you correctly, you need this: var re = /(#table\d+)|\((\w{1,2})(\))/g; var str=”<p id=”para”>&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo<a href=”#table1(t1)” id=”ytD2F”>table1</a> test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo <a href=”#table2(t2)” id=”ytD2F”>table2</a>&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo test&nbsp;demo … Read more

[Solved] How does java read code?

Java will run your code sequentially unless u tell it otherwise (by creating threads.) If you jave an infinite loop in function doSomthingElse() then doYetAnotherThing() will never execute and doSomething will never terminate. public static void main(String[] args) { doSomethingElse(); doYetAnotherThing(); } private static void doYetAnotherThing() { System.out.println(“Hi Agn”); } private static void doSomethingElse() { … Read more

[Solved] max() function gives wrong output [closed]

Because you are comparing character strings. Consider… max(“apple”,”banana”,”banana2″) #[1] “banana2” max( “1” , “2” , “10” ) #[1] “2” sort( c( “1” , “2” , “10” ) ) #[1] “1” “10” “2” sort( as.integer( c(“1” , “2” , “10” ) ) ) #[1] 1 2 10 max( as.integer( c(“1” , “2” , “10” ) ) … Read more

[Solved] How do I sort a text file by three columns with a specific order to those columns in Python?

Your question is still ambiguous. Your example doesn’t have the first field Team_Name introduced in your header. So the index here is probably off by one, but I think you get the concept: #read lines of text file and split into words lines = [line.split() for line in open(“test.txt”, “r”)] #sort lines for different columns, … Read more

[Solved] What type of animation file should I add to a pygame game? [closed]

Most games use images (for example .png) to create animation frame by frame. Often all frames are in the one file like this: http://www.ucigame.org/Gallery/images/char9.png You (as game developer) have to draw appropriate frame every 1/25 second (to get 25 FPS). Game libraries (like PyGame) are there to help you with that – mostly they use … Read more

[Solved] Filter out records that are not in this date format oracle

You can use an inline function to check if the date is valid. Like this: WITH FUNCTION is_valid_date (date_str_i VARCHAR2, format_i VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 /* check if date is valid */ AS l_dummy_dt DATE; BEGIN SELECT TO_DATE(date_str_i,format_i) INTO l_dummy_dt FROM DUAL; RETURN ‘Y’; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN ‘N’; END; dates AS ( SELECT ‘0201-05-31 … Read more