[Solved] Print name of all activities with neither maximum nor minimum number of participants

You can use window functions if your mysql version is 8 or above select activity from (select activity, count(*) as cnt, max(count(*)) over () as maximum_cnt, min(count(*)) over () as minimum_cnt from friends group by activity) mytable where cnt not in (maximum_cnt, minimum_cnt); 4 solved Print name of all activities with neither maximum nor minimum … Read more

[Solved] Word VBA force save as .docm

In order to hijack the native “SaveAs” dialog in Word, you need to lever the Application-level event for DocumentBeforeSave, and then call the FileDialog manually, in order to validate the extension. 1. Create a standard code module and name it modEventHandler. Put the following code in it. Option Explicit Public TrapFlag As Boolean Public cWordObject … Read more

[Solved] I want to add / remove class on lable tag [duplicate]

Change javascript as per below $(‘.lable_item input[type=”checkbox”]’).click(function(){ if(!$(this).is(‘:checked’)){ $(this).parent(‘.lable_item’).addClass(‘label_act’); }else{ $(this).parent(‘.lable_item’).removeClass(‘label_act’); } }); change HTML As per below. It’s working. <div class=”layout”> <label class=”lable_item” for=”c1″><input type=”checkbox” id=”c1″ />label</label> <label class=”lable_item label_act” for=”c2″><input type=”checkbox” id=”c2″ />label</label> <label class=”lable_item” for=”c3″><input type=”checkbox” id=”c3″ />label</label> </div> solved I want to add / remove class on lable tag [duplicate]

[Solved] How can I check whether the variable have value or not? [closed]

You’re creating a Boolean object representing a false value, because the string parameter is not “true” (ignoring case). Boolean b=new Boolean(“T87778rue”); Next, you check whether the Boolean object representing false is equal to 10. It’s not. int i = 10; System.out.println(b.equals(i)); From the Boolean constructor API documentation: Boolean(String s) Allocates a Boolean object representing the … Read more

[Solved] very new to python would appreciate [closed]

Your error happens because you do not have any global name average in scope when you use it. You seem to be confused about when and whether to use the class keyword. In your particular example, you don’t need it — both average and main want to be global functions, not class methods. Try this … Read more

[Solved] objective-c – using a boolean value from one class in another class

be careful with the “global definition”. if your class must save the user settings, you can use: for save: NSUserDefaults *pref = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [pref setBool:YES forKey:@”AudioIsON”]; [pref synchronize]; for reading: BOOL myBooleanSetting = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@”AudioIsON”]; instead of, is better to learn the delegate and the property. hope this help you. solved objective-c – … Read more

[Solved] objective-c – using a boolean value from one class in another class

Introduction Objective-C is a powerful programming language used to develop applications for Apple’s iOS and Mac OS X operating systems. It is an object-oriented language that allows developers to create complex applications with relative ease. One of the most important aspects of Objective-C is the ability to use a boolean value from one class in … Read more

[Solved] How to implement google image search in IOS application? [closed]

You can send a Query to Google Servers and then you receive all information as a json file. For more information: https://developers.google.com/image-search/v1/jsondevguide?hl=de&csw=1 This is the URL for searching for “fuzzy monkey” and returning 8 result (rsz=8) https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q=fuzzy%20monkey&rsz=8 8 solved How to implement google image search in IOS application? [closed]

[Solved] JS condition change class

You need just innerHTML/innerText method and set of conditions. No jQuery needed. var el = document.getElementById(‘polIndice’); var val = parseInt(el.innerText); var class_name; if (val < 50) { class_name=”indiceLow”; } else if (val < 100) { class_name=”indiceMedium”; } else { class_name=”indiceHigh”; } el.className += ‘ ‘ + class_name; http://jsfiddle.net/hyuu5w5z/ 1 solved JS condition change class

[Solved] Perl Script can’t use Tie::File

Your program is frankly a bit of a mess. You seem to be trying things in the hope that they work but without any real reasoning. I have refactored your code to do what I think you want below. Here are the main changes I have made You must always add use strict and use … Read more

[Solved] Perl Script can’t use Tie::File

Introduction Perl is a powerful scripting language that is used for a variety of tasks, including web development, system administration, and data manipulation. One of the most useful features of Perl is its ability to tie files together using the Tie::File module. This module allows you to access and manipulate data stored in a file … Read more

[Solved] how to connect to a mysql database [closed]

<?php $servername = “localhost”; $username = “Mark”; $password = “secret”; // Create connection $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error) { die(“Connection failed: ” . $conn->connect_error); } echo “Connected successfully”; ?> 0 solved how to connect to a mysql database [closed]