[Solved] objective-c – using a boolean value from one class in another class


Objective-C is a powerful programming language used to develop applications for Apple’s iOS and Mac OS X operating systems. It is an object-oriented language that allows developers to create complex applications with relative ease. One of the most important aspects of Objective-C is the ability to use a boolean value from one class in another class. This allows developers to create more efficient and organized code, as well as to create more complex applications. In this article, we will discuss how to use a boolean value from one class in another class in Objective-C.


In the first class, you can declare a BOOL property and set it to YES or NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL myBool;

In the second class, you can import the first class and access the BOOL property like this:

#import “FirstClass.h”

FirstClass *firstClass = [[FirstClass alloc] init];

if (firstClass.myBool) {
// Do something
} else {
// Do something else

be careful with the “global definition”.
if your class must save the user settings, you can use:
for save:

 NSUserDefaults *pref = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
 [pref setBool:YES forKey:@"AudioIsON"];
 [pref synchronize];

for reading:

BOOL myBooleanSetting = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AudioIsON"];

instead of, is better to learn the delegate and the property.

hope this help you.

solved objective-c – using a boolean value from one class in another class

Objective-C is a powerful programming language that allows developers to create robust applications for the Apple ecosystem. One of the most useful features of Objective-C is the ability to use a boolean value from one class in another class. This can be done by declaring a boolean property in the class that needs to use the boolean value and then setting the value in the other class.

To begin, create a boolean property in the class that needs to use the boolean value. This can be done by declaring a BOOL type property in the class’s interface. For example, if the class is called MyClass, the property could be declared like this:

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL myBoolean;

Next, set the boolean value in the other class. This can be done by accessing the property in the other class and setting it to the desired value. For example, if the other class is called OtherClass, the boolean value can be set like this:

MyClass *myClass = [[MyClass alloc] init];
myClass.myBoolean = YES;

Finally, the boolean value can be used in the class that needs it. This can be done by accessing the property in the class and using it in the desired way. For example, if the class is called MyClass, the boolean value can be used like this:

if (self.myBoolean) {
    // Do something
} else {
    // Do something else

Using a boolean value from one class in another class is a powerful feature of Objective-C that can be used to create robust applications. By declaring a boolean property in the class that needs to use the boolean value and then setting the value in the other class, developers can easily use a boolean value from one class in another class.