[Solved] Why doesn’t control enter the repeat() function? [closed]

// Thanks for the help #include <stdio.h> int repeat(int num) { scanf(“%d”,&num) ; if(num!=42) { printf(“%d”,num) ; repeat(num) ; } else { return num ; } getch() ; } int main() { int num ; scanf(“%d”,&num) ; repeat(num) ; return 0; } solved Why doesn’t control enter the repeat() function? [closed]

[Solved] combine items of list

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>(); list.add(30); list.add(50); list.add(5); list.add(60); list.add(90); list.add(5); list.add(80); System.out.println(list); combine(list, 2, 3); System.out.println(list); } public static void combine(List<Integer> list, int indexA, int indexB) { Integer a = list.get(indexA); Integer b = list.get(indexB); list.remove(indexB); // [30, 50, 5, 90, 5, 80] list.add(indexA, … Read more

[Solved] What are the differences between: main(){}, int main(){} and int main(void){} [duplicate]

Your first example uses a feature inherited from the outdated dialect of C which predated the first ANSI(1989) and ISO(1990) standard: namely, that you can write a function which doesn’t specify its return type, and in that case the type defaults to int. In early C, the void keyword and associated type did not exist. When … Read more

[Solved] what to fix to solve the TypeError: an integer is required (got type str) [duplicate]

Your error is probably that you forgot to cast the input(…) to int: start_year = input(‘Enter start year’) start_year = int(start_year) you should do the same for end_year and output. Note: It’s really hard to try to help you without the source code. I need to infer a lot of things to help you diagnosis … Read more

[Solved] Write a table by column [closed]

HTML tables are standardized to be defined left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Thus, the only way to do what you’re asking is to reinvent the table using a different DOM structure. For example: <div class=”table”> <div class=”column”> <div class=”cell”>Cell1</div> <div class=”cell”>Cell2</div> <div class=”cell”>Cell3</div> <div class=”cell”>Cell4</div> </div> <div class=”column”> <div class=”cell”>Cell5</div> <div class=”cell”>Cell6</div> <div class=”cell”>Cell7</div> <div class=”cell”>Cell8</div> </div> <div … Read more

[Solved] Why use the object oriented approach in matplotlib for visualizing data? [closed]

As explained in matplotlib blog, the benefits of OO approach are scalability and control. The functional interface (pyplot) was build to reproduce MATLAB’s method of generating figures, which is a very popular propetary programing language in engeenering departments. Pyplot works as a state-based interface, where the states are figures that can be changed by methods. … Read more

[Solved] jQuery retrieve elements from nested classes

You can use .find from that class: $(“div.ThirdRowBanner”).find(“img”).each(function() { console.log($(this).attr(“title”)); console.log($(this).attr(“src”)); console.log($(this).attr(“alt”)); }); 0 solved jQuery retrieve elements from nested classes

[Solved] Process unstructured and multiple line CSV in hadoop

Because you’re coping with multi-line data you cannot use a simple TextInputFormat to access your data. Thus you need to use a custom InputFormat for CSV files. Currently there is no built-in way of processing multi-line CSV files in Hadoop (see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MAPREDUCE-2208), but luckily there’s come code on github you can try: https://github.com/mvallebr/CSVInputFormat. As far … Read more

[Solved] Unwanted white space on mobile version

Welcome to Stack Overflow. As Dylan pointed out, you should put more detail in your post so others can find answers in your questions. Please update your question to include relevant code and more specific details. Regardless, I did some poking around and found out that your “margmarg” class has margins that are blowing out … Read more