[Solved] how to create a graphics object using an Atom text editor

There are lot of graphics formats available with varying capabilities. First distinction I would make is: raster graphics vs. vector graphics Raster graphics (storing the image pixel by pixel) are more often binary encoded as the amount of data is usally directly proportional to size of image. However some of them are textual encoded or … Read more

[Solved] Truble to create a matrix for sudoku in python

Keep looping, know to find 9 different numbers in line = [] import random matrix = [] for i in range(9): line = [] j = 1 while j <= 9: number = random.randint(1, 9) if number not in line: line.append(number) j += 1 matrix.append(line) for i in range(9): print(matrix[i]) 0 solved Truble to create … Read more

[Solved] Node Js access to api laravel

You should exclude your api written in Laravel from CSRF Protection check middleware by default VerifyCsrfToken middleware is applied to route group web so here you are having two options :- Create a new middleware group named apicode snippet for creating a middlewareroutes.php Route::group([‘prefix’ => ‘api/v1′,’middleware’ => [‘api’]], function () { Route::get(‘/hotel/list’,[ ‘uses’ => ‘YourController@function’ … Read more

[Solved] new instance of the class in java main method

In java a class has fields and methods (or functions). Keyword ‘static’ can be added to both of these entities. Entities marked with keyword ‘static’ are class related and other entities are instance related. For accessing static fields or methods of a class we require only the class and its instance (created by using new … Read more

[Solved] SQL Connection without log steal [closed]

Since .NET Framework 2.0, there is a possibility of encrypting application configuration sections. However, it needs a bit of implementation. Please refer to the following article. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/53tyfkaw(v=vs.110).aspx Just another option… You can consider using “Integrated Security=SSPI” in your connection string. This will try to open connection to database with the user running your application main … Read more

[Solved] NSNumberFormatter thousand separator and trailing zeros

An array balance is an array of NSString NOT NSNumbers. That’s why method stringFromNumber: returns nil. The following example works fine: NSArray *balanceArr =@[@(120.50), @(8500.00)]; NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [NSNumberFormatter new]; [formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle]; [formatter setMinimumFractionDigits:2]; [formatter setGroupingSize:3]; [formatter setGroupingSeparator:@”‘”]; for (NSNumber *balance in balanceArr) { NSLog(@”Straight printing: %@”, balance); NSLog(@”NumberFormatter: %@”, [formatter stringFromNumber:balance]); } Output: 2014-08-22 … Read more

[Solved] How to end a python program without it going to the next line of code [duplicate]

while True: choice = input (“Do you want to play?”) if choice == “yes” print(“Great!”) break # Go to the game elif choice == “no” print(“Goodbye.”) break # nothing else: print(“Please answer yes or no.”) solved How to end a python program without it going to the next line of code [duplicate]

[Solved] php code for multiple search box after connecting to mysql [closed]

So you can try change it to something like this: <form method=”post” action=”example.php” id=”searchform”> <input type=”text” name=”keyword”> <input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”submit”> </form> if(isset($_POST[‘submit’])){ $name=$_POST[‘keyword’]; $statement = $myconnection->prepare(“SELECT * FROM OL_trans WHERE (ort LIKE ‘%$name%’) OR (plz LIKE ‘%$name%’) OR (vorname LIKE ‘%$name%’)”); $statement->execute(); $key = $statement->fetchall(); foreach($key as $value){ echo ‘<br/>’.$value[‘vorname’]. ‘ – ‘.$value[‘nachname’]. ‘ … Read more