[Solved] If a class implements serializable interface then is its child class also serialize or not?

The Serializable interface does nothing by itself, it is merely, as you remarked, a marker interface to show Java that this particular class is serializable. That means that if you denote a class with this interface, all child classes will be treated as serializable by themselves (just like normal inheritance), but the task of a … Read more

[Solved] Objective-C, How to count the number of TRUE booleans? [duplicate]

To Understand as Simple manner: int trueCount = 0; int falseCount = 0; for (<#initialization#>; <#condition#>; <#increment#>) { BOOL test3 = [test containsCoordinate:tg]; if (test3) { trueCount++; } else{ falseCount++; } } NSLog(@”True : %i”,trueCount); NSLog(@”False : %i”,falseCount); Implementation: -(void)markers{ NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@”http://example.com/api/s.php”]; data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]; NSError *error; NSMutableArray *array = [NSJSONSerialization … Read more

[Solved] Extract Last Bracketed Characters from String in Excel VBA

Try this UDF Function ExtractByRegex(sTxt As String) With CreateObject(“VBScript.RegExp”) .Pattern = “V\d+(.)?(\d+)?” If .Test(sTxt) Then ExtractByRegex = .Execute(sTxt)(0).Value End With End Function Update Here’s another version in which you can format the output Sub Test_ExtractByRegex_UDF() MsgBox ExtractByRegex(“A9 V2.3 8.99”) End Sub Function ExtractByRegex(sTxt As String) With CreateObject(“VBScript.RegExp”) .Pattern = “V\d+(.)?(\d+)?” If .Test(sTxt) Then sTxt = … Read more

[Solved] C++ program keeps looping when cin is not an int

Try this: try{ cin >> input; if (cin.good()) { if(input > 11 || input < 0) { cout << “Under 10 you idiot!” << endl; ask(); } else { checkAnswer(input); } } else { cout << “Input a number!” << endl; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), ‘\n’); ask(); } }catch(exception e){ cout << “An unexpected error occurred!” << … Read more

[Solved] strcat for dynamic char pointers

From section The free function of the C99 standard: The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated, that is, made available for further allocation. If ptr is a null pointer, no action occurs. Otherwise, if the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned by the calloc, malloc, or … Read more


All I can suggest on the information you provided is: Make sure when you put your views inside other folders you use dot syntax and not slashes like this: View::make(‘folder.view’); Instead of View::make(‘folder/view’); Folder Structure: |views| –|folder| —-view.blade.php 0 solved .BLADE.PHP IS NOT WORKING IN MY LARAVEL PROJECT. .PHP IS WORKING FINE FOR MY VIEWS

[Solved] java dynamic class instance creation

If you need to dynamically create new objects and assign them to a variable, I would utilize a map with the key used to simulate naming a variable and the value as the newly created Chicken object: e.g. new HashMap<nameOfVariable, Chicken>() This will get you around not knowing the number or name of your instances … Read more