[Solved] docusign connector dynamics 2013

A simple Google search for “DocuSign Dynamics CRM” gives you links about DocuSign for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013: http://www.docusign.com/partner/docusign-for-microsoft-dynamics-crm-2013 https://www.docusign.com/sites/default/files/Integrations/DynamicsCRM/DocuSign_for_Microsoft_Dynamics_CRM_2013.pdf https://www.docusign.com/sites/default/files/DocuSign%20for%20Dynamics%202013%20QS%20Guide.pdf solved docusign connector dynamics 2013

[Solved] Ruby combine hashes? [closed]

a = {:a => :b} b = {:b => :c} # Works on ruby >= 2.1 c = a.map{|k, v| [k, b[v]]}.to_h #=> {:a => :c} # Works on all versions of ruby c = Hash[a.map{|k, v| [k, b[v]]}] #=> {:a => :c} solved Ruby combine hashes? [closed]

[Solved] Converting String to Double in Java [closed]

GPA = Double.parseDouble(df.format (((double)qualityPoints) /(double)(sumOfHours))); int qualityPoints = 0; int sumOfHours = 0; double GPA = 0; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(“0.00”); GPA = Double.parseDouble(df.format (((double)qualityPoints) /(double)(sumOfHours))); No compilation error for this. 8 solved Converting String to Double in Java [closed]

[Solved] Can I store an iterator in a file which I can read from later? Will this reduce space consumption? [closed]

Building on larsmans answer, a custom iterator can be built to do this: class my_large_num(object): def __init__(self): self.num_iterations = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if self.num_iterations < 1: self.num_iterations += 1 return 10**200 else: raise StopIteration() You can then: import pickle pickled_repr = pickle.dumps(my_large_num()) restored_object = pickle.loads(pickled_repr) sum(restored_object) This works because underneath, iterable … Read more

[Solved] How to match height of 2 divs

You can do this using jquery: // get height of left summary and set right summary to the same on page load var summaryLeftHeight = $(“.summary-left”).height(); $(“.summary-right”).css(“height”, summaryLeftHeight + “px”); // add this to make sure they have the same height on page resize $(window).on(“resize”, function(){ var summaryLeftHeight = $(“.summary-left”).height(); $(“.summary-right”).css(“height”, summaryLeftHeight + “px”); }); … Read more

[Solved] How do I split a string with ‘$’ delimiter? [closed]

Split method returns a string array, if you need both elements of this array, Try: string s = “FINAL PAYMENT $25”; string[] resArray = s.Split(‘$’); var FPayment = resArray[0]; var second25= resArray[1]; 5 solved How do I split a string with ‘$’ delimiter? [closed]

[Solved] How to convert upper case to lowercase stored in a variable inside switch statment [duplicate]

The expression “cake” || “Cake” evaluates to true, because both those strings are truthy. So when user’s input is compared with that value, for example “cake” == true, it evaluates to true because the user’s input (“cake”) is also truthy. To ignore the case of user’s input, you can simply convert it to lowercase (by … Read more

[Solved] how to print string variable in python

From your question name = input(“What is your name: “) age = int(input(“How old are you: “)) year = str((2014 – age)+100) print(name + ” will be 100 years old in the year ” + year) Your code is just fine, change your input to raw_input for name variable. NOTE: raw_input returns a string, input … Read more

[Solved] Select statement channel example

The select statement chooses a case whose communication op would not block. If there are multiple cases whose comm. op would not block, one is chosen randomly. Since in the example all communication ops would block, and since a default is provided, that will be executed. To “trigger” another case, you have to make sure … Read more

[Solved] Count matches between specific substrings

You can separate each target section of the string into an array using split. Then iterate through the array and do your count. my $string = ‘AAAAaaa>1BBbbbbbbb>2CCCCCCCCccccc>3DDDDDDDDDddd>4FFFFfffffff>’; my @targets = split(/(?=\d+\w+>)/, $string); my $successes = 0; foreach my $target (@targets){ my $target_lc = $target =~ tr/a-z//; my $target_uc = $target =~ tr/A-Z//; if($target_lc > $target_uc){ … Read more