[Solved] remove html input tag from string using C#

You could remove input tags from the string with a regular expression: var temp = “The accounting equation asset = capital + liabilities, which of the following is true. Ram has started business with 5,50,000 and has purchased goods worth 1,50,000 on credit <input type=”radio” id=’op1′ name=”q2option” value=”1″ /> a) 7,00,000 = 5,50,000 + 1,50,000 … Read more

[Solved] increament by 5 for loop in php

<?php for ($i=5; $i < 1005; $i+=5) { ?> <option value = “<?php echo $i; ?>”><?php echo $i; ?></option> <?php } ?> $i+=5 <– This is the only change. How about this? 0 solved increament by 5 for loop in php

[Solved] IEnumreable and IQueryable [duplicate]

When querying a database, I prefer using a IQueryable because the request is sent when data are needed. I mean this var users = (from user in db.Users select user ).AsQueryable(); //it doesn’t load data yet until you write users.ToList(); or users.Count(); solved IEnumreable and IQueryable [duplicate]

[Solved] Below code is weird

The reason for this is that every counter(7) call creates a separate count instance and separate incr function. When you call them, you actually refer to different variables count thus the results are as shown above. 2 solved Below code is weird

[Solved] Execution time of C++ algorithm [closed]

For a logarithmic search, the time would be T ~= constant * log(N) T / log(N) ~= constant So to estimate the time T2 for size N2 given time T1 for size N1: T2 / log(N2) ~= T1 / log(N1) T2 ~= T1 * log(N2) / log(N1) ~= 0.00096ms * log(1000000) / log(290024) ~= 0.00105ms … Read more

[Solved] Group by a nested list of object based on date [closed]

var temp = dbconnect.tblAnswerLists .Where(i => i.StudentNum == studentNumber && i.username==objstu.Return_SupervisorUserName_By_StudentNumber(studentNumber)) .ToList() // <– This will bring the data into memory. .Select(i => new PresentClass.supervisorAnswerQuesttionPres { answerList = Return_Answer_List(studentNumber,i.dateOfAnswer.Value.Date), questionList = Return_Question_List(studentNumber, i.dateOfAnswer.Value.Date), date = ConvertToPersianToShow(i.dateOfAnswer.Value.Date) }) .GroupBy(i => i.date) .OrderByDescending(i => i.Key) .ToList(); temp will actually be of type List<IGrouping<string, PresentClass.supervisorAnswerQuesttionPres>>. 2 solved Group … Read more

[Solved] write code within a div instead of body with documentwrite

try $(“div”).append(‘<img class=”leaves’+i+'” src=”‘+rndLeaf+'” style=”background-color:none;position:absolute;top:’+Ypos[i]+’px;left:’+Xpos[i]+’px;height:’+height[i]+’px;width:’+width[i]+’px;opacity:’+opacityLeaf[i]+’;”>’); solved write code within a div instead of body with documentwrite