[Solved] Defining regular expression

I would use findall for this.. >>> import re >>> s=”AN : GSHJ488GL67 Customer : sh3893 Acnt No : cgk379gu Name : xyz” >>> re.findall(r’\b(?:AN|Acnt No) : (\w+)’, s) [‘GSHJ488GL67’, ‘cgk379gu’] Explanation: \b # the boundary between a word character and not a word character (?: # group, but do not capture: AN # ‘AN’ … Read more

[Solved] Do I have to pay a fee to distribute a paid app

Actually you don’t have to pay a fee when distributing a new paid app through the App Store, but Apple will only give you 70% of the sales revenue. So the upload doesn’t cost a fee, but from what the user pays for your app you will get only 70%. See here for more details: … Read more

[Solved] Open New Tab / New Window

You need to add target attribute: echo ‘<a href=”‘. $fileStorage . $row[‘file’] .'” target=”_blank”>’. htmlentities(‘Click Here’, ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8′) .'</a><br />’; _blank => Opens the linked document in a new window or tab solved Open New Tab / New Window

[Solved] PHP – Convert ΓÇô to dash

I found the answer! It’s inspired by this answer $title = “Hunting, Tactical & Outdoor Optics eCommerce Store ΓÇô $595,000 ΓÇö SOLD”; $title = str_replace(html_entity_decode(‘&ndash;’, ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8’), ‘-‘, $title); $title = str_replace(html_entity_decode(‘&mdash;’, ENT_COMPAT, ‘UTF-8’), ‘-‘, $title); Replacing the character right away won’t work. html_entity_decode is definitely needed. solved PHP – Convert ΓÇô to dash

[Solved] How Much Faster is StringBuilder respect of concat operator + in C# .Net [duplicate]

The Microsoft Developer Network has a great comparison: Although StringBuilder and String both represent sequences of characters, they are implemented differently. String is an immutable type. That is, each operation that appears to modify a String object actually creates a new string. For example, the call to the String.Concat method in the following C# example … Read more

[Solved] How to add for loops to if statements?

here you go: public static void main(String… args) { String[] verifiedNames = { “barry”, “matty”, “olly”, “joey” }; System.out.println(“choose an option”); System.out.println(“Uselift(1)”); System.out.println(“see audit report(2)”); System.out.println(“Exit Lift(3)”); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); int choice = scanner.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: scanner.nextLine(); // get ‘\n’ symbol from previous input int nameAttemptsLeft = 3; while (nameAttemptsLeft– … Read more

[Solved] Convert piglatin to english?

Something like this? def decode (line): return ‘ ‘.join (token [:-3] if token.endswith (‘WAY’) else (lambda a, b: b [:-3] + a) (*token.split (‘X’) ) for token in line.split () ) Sample: >>> decode (‘elloXHWEY orldXwWEY isXthWEY isWAY eatXgrWEY’) ‘Hello world this is great’ Nota bene: Might fail with words conaining ‘X’. But it should … Read more

[Solved] Make a HMTL hyperlink not appear as a hyperlink

If you are using inline css you can use like this – <html> <head> <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44939393/style.css”> </head> <center> <div id = “indexBackgroundOne”><h2 style=”font-family:verdana;text-decoration: none;color:black;”><a href=”” style=”text-decoration: none;color:black;”> Q U E S T S &reg;</a></h2></div> </center> </html> solved Make a HMTL hyperlink not appear as a hyperlink