[Solved] Create a timestamp folder with today’s date and time and copy some folder to it

Here is something you can try: @echo off rem Create datestamp: set “datestamp=%date:~4,-8%_%date:~7,-5%_%date:~12,2%” rem Request for me, if you are not using `dd/mm/yy` format, to provide another script for your occassion. rem Create timestamp: set “timestamp=%time:~0,2%_%time:~3,2%” rem Create folder: md %datestamp%_%timestamp% xcopy /E “C:/Program Files (x86)/Jenkins/workspace/jenkins Pipeline/application/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/os/publish” “%datestamp%_%timestamp%” Hope this helps! 0 solved Create a … Read more

[Solved] How to parse complex and recurssive xml file having size 1GB and store it in csv using xslt

I couldn’t quite work out your logic but I think you may benefit from using a key here to look up the SecDef element using its MktSegGrp attribute value <xsl:key name=”MktSeg” match=”SecDef” use=”MktSegGrp/@MktSegID” /> So, for a given MktDef, you would get the SecDef elements for it like so <xsl:variable name=”secDef” select=”key(‘MktSeg’, @MktSegID)” /> Try … Read more

[Solved] Need help understanding a type error

Replace last main() with main(game) and make this small changes, remember to read the python tutorials, good luck! import random import math game = int(input(“How many problems do you want?\n”)) num_1 = random.randint(1,10) num_2 = random.randint(1,10) def main(game): random.seed() count = 0 correct = 0 result = 0 #Here we initialized result to 0 while … Read more

[Solved] how to change sites contents Using Chrome Extension ? (Example) [closed]

take a look at this: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/content_scripts.html You can add javascript scripts and css stylesheets to a page to change the content. good luck! an example to change the background of www.google.com: you create a .css file with: body{ background-color:black; } when you made the .css file, add this to manifest.json: “content_scripts”: [ { “matches”: [“http://www.google.com/*”], … Read more

[Solved] How to read doc file using Poi?

You are trying to open a .docx file (XWPF) with code for .doc (HWPF) files. You can use XWPFWordExtractor for .docx files. There is an ExtractorFactory which you can use to let POI decide which of these applies and uses the correct class to open the file, however you can then not iterate by page … Read more

[Solved] Unrecognized selector sent to instance for my tap gesture

You don’t know how to make the correct selector for this method. (It would be “didtapContainerViewWithGesture:”, but clearly you don’t know that.) So don’t try. Use #selector syntax and let the compiler form the selector for you! Just say #selector(didtapContainerView). Done. 0 solved Unrecognized selector sent to instance for my tap gesture

[Solved] $scope.myFunc() is not a function

Because the function does not exist on $scope. This is what you need to do: $scope.gridLocation = function (row, column) { return ‘span’.concat(row).concat(column); }; $scope.clickedOn = function (row, column) { $scope.gridLocation(row, column); }; Edit To do what you asked for in the comments (I hope I understood correctly): $scope.clickedOn = function (row, column) { $scope[$scope.gridLocation(row, … Read more

[Solved] how to get the time after two minutes [closed]

To get the date-string in bash: echo “Current: ” $(date +”%Y”-“%m”-“%d”T”%H”-“%M”-“%S”) echo “+2 min : ” $(date –date=”@$(($(date +%s)+120))” +”%Y”-“%m”-“%d”T”%H”-“%M”-“%S”) prints Current: 2014-09-10T15-58-15 +2 min : 2014-09-10T16-00-15 Read the time from string and print +2min string str=”2014-09-10T15-58-15″ new=$(date –date=”@$(($( IFS=”-T” read y m d H M S <<< “$str”;date –date=”$y-$m-${d}T$H:$M:$S” +%s )+120))” +”%Y”-“%m”-“%d”T”%H”-“%M”-“%S”) echo “From … Read more

[Solved] How to end while loop in Java

You don’t change the value of a (which is true by default) to false, you just call a method that will return false but nothing is set to this returned value. Change your code to this: package files; public class EndLoopWithBooleanMethod { static boolean a = true; public static void main(String[] args){ while(a) { //This … Read more