[Solved] Why does it return a random value other than the value I give to the function?

First of all, C functions are call-by-value: the int x arg in the function is a copy. Modifying it doesn’t modify the caller’s copy of whatever they passed, so your swap makes zero sense. Second, you’re using the return value of the function, but you don’t have a return statement. In C (unlike C++), it’s … Read more

[Solved] Using if to compare strings c#

This code just doesn’t make sense. You’re entering AS but then checking if it can be converted to a long as part of your condition for equality. Just do this; public static void Main (string[] args) { string pass = “AS”; if (Console.ReadLine() == pass) Console.WriteLine(“hi”); } Then, if you want to put that in … Read more

[Solved] How do I run a GO executable? [closed]

However, running either of them gives an error saying: package hello_world is not in GOROOT (/usr/local/go/src/hello_world) You haven’t actually said what you’re doing to provoke this error, but it sounds like you’re almost certainly running go run hello_world. Once you’ve build an executable, Go (the language) and go (the command) are no longer involved. Binaries … Read more

[Solved] Python: How find the index in list by its part?

I’d do it this way: result = [] reader = [‘sdsd-sdds’, ‘asaad’, ‘deded – wdswd’, ‘123’ ] str_1 = ‘deded -‘ for x in reader: if str_1 in x: result.append(reader[reader.index(x) + 1]) print(result) If you want to stop after finding the first one you should use a break after finding a value: result = [] … Read more

[Solved] auth on twitter for access to another site

You will use the 3-legged OAuth with Twitter. Here is the link from Twitter that gives you steps. How you do this is by logging to your twitter account on developer.twitter.com, from Twitter Application Dashboard click on the Twitter App to create a Access Token and Access Token Secret. Your user accessing the Super-site will … Read more

[Solved] Sort out array of object using its value [duplicate]

Use String.localeCompare() with the numeric option to sort using possibility, but use – (minus) to get descending results. If the comparison returns 0 (equals), use localeCompare again to compare the names: const array = [{“name”:”fever”,”possibility”:”20%”},{“name”:”hiv”,”possibility”:”25%”},{“name”:”heart-attack”,”possibility”:”20%”},{“name”:”covid”,”possibility”:”40%”}] const result = array.sort((a, b) => -a.possibility.localeCompare(b.possibility, undefined, { numeric: true }) || a.name.localeCompare(b.name) ) console.log(result) solved Sort out array … Read more

[Solved] Create Registration Notification Hub Azure PHP

# build uri $uri = $this->endpoint . $this->hubPath . “/registrations” . NotificationHub::API_NEW_VERSION; $ch = curl_init(); $token = $this->generateSasToken($uri); $headers = [ ‘Authorization: ‘. $token, ‘Content-Type: application/xml’, ‘x-ms-version: 2015-01’ ]; $request_body = self::requestBodyRegistration($device_type, $tagsOrTagExpression, $device_code ); if( is_null( $request_body ) ) { return null; } curl_setopt_array($ch, array( CURLOPT_URL => $uri, CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, … Read more

[Solved] How to search for values inside Json file

how about using ObjectMapper final String json = “{\”yourjson\”: \”here\”, \”andHere\”: … }”; final ObjectNode node = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, ObjectNode.class); if (node.has(“ID”)) { System.out.println(“ID: ” + node.get(“ID”)); } This is one of the many ways: Adding for GSON, String json = “your json here” // you can also read from file etc Gson gson = … Read more

[Solved] Selenium @FindBy linkText or @FindBy partialLinkText not working

As per the HTML you have shared you can use either of the following solutions: linkText: @FindBy(linkText = “My transfer”) WebElement transferBtn; partialLinkText: @FindBy(partialLinkText = “transfer”) WebElement transferBtn; xpath: @FindBy(xpath = “//a[contains(.,’My transfer’)]”) WebElement transferBtn; solved Selenium @FindBy linkText or @FindBy partialLinkText not working

[Solved] Javascript Mediasource play video and audio simultaneously?

if you need to play both of video and sound you need to create 2 source buffers . and as you said . you can play just one of them . so i guess you code is fine . so you need to create 2 buffers . like this my_media_source.addEventListener(“sourceopen”,function (){ var video_source_buffer = my_media_source.addSourceBuffer(video_mimeCodec); … Read more

[Solved] IOS: Add activity indicatior view in web view

I’m guessing your mySpinner ivar isn’t being properly retained or declared. In your .h file, declare it as a property. That is: @property (strong) UIActivityIndicatorView *mySpinner; then, when you create it: self.mySpinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray]; and when you reference it in your button click method: [self.mySpinner startAnimating]; solved IOS: Add activity indicatior view in … Read more

[Solved] What is the best way to do this site redirection

From the spec 10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs. Clients with link editing capabilities ought to automatically re-link references to the Request-URI to one or more of the new references returned by the … Read more