[Solved] Random UnreachableBrowserException when running Selenium tests

I faced the same issue in past after upgrading Service pack it was resolved. But also suggest you to look at the below. Check your network settings (firewall, proxy, antivirus software) to find the cause of “Permission denied: connect” Find out it is windows 7’s problem, upgrade to SP1 the problem solved. Seems when running … Read more

[Solved] How to create and write a module for automation test framework

Just go with page object model. It’s simple only. Refer this link. http://toolsqa.com/selenium-webdriver/page-object-pattern-model-page-factory/ Ex: Keep Header.java and Move the locator elements to Header.java Similarly Catergory.java and Move the locator elements to Category.java Then SampleTest.java, Call the locator method in the test file…. That’s all……. solved How to create and write a module for automation test … Read more

[Solved] Run as java application not working

You absolutely need a main method to run this class, consider there is no instance of this class created in a different class (even then, it would have to have a main method). EDIT: I guess if your goal is to run the addNotificationMessage1() method, you could create the following main method: public static void … Read more

[Solved] How to get product price from json [closed]

What happens? You try to find a price in the json, but there is no price information available. How to get the price? You have to call another api with the productId per item: requests.get(‘https://www.adidas.com/api/search/product/’+item[‘productId’],headers=headers) Example import requests url = “https://www.adidas.com/api/plp/content-engine?” params = { ‘sitePath’: ‘us’, ‘query’: ‘women-athletic_sneakers’ } headers = { ‘User-Agent’: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows … Read more

[Solved] Selenium @FindBy linkText or @FindBy partialLinkText not working

As per the HTML you have shared you can use either of the following solutions: linkText: @FindBy(linkText = “My transfer”) WebElement transferBtn; partialLinkText: @FindBy(partialLinkText = “transfer”) WebElement transferBtn; xpath: @FindBy(xpath = “//a[contains(.,’My transfer’)]”) WebElement transferBtn; solved Selenium @FindBy linkText or @FindBy partialLinkText not working

[Solved] Unit Testing (e.g.Specflow) vs Selenium [closed]

This would deeply depend on the whole development lifecycle approach. In an ideal world, developers write unit tests. But someone else needs to test their work (2nd pair of eyes). So a tester would also write tests (whether automated or manual test scripts). Cucumber & TestNG basically work like Unit Tests do, Cucumber specifically is … Read more