[Solved] Making new array and push there keys on that new array [closed]

You can use Object.keys() and .reduce() method: let data = {‘Achievement’: [“110”, “100”, “104”, “110”],’Emp Code’ : [“1000001”, “1000001”, “1000001”, “1000001”],’Product’ :[“Product A “, “Product B”, “Product A “, “Product B”],’Reportee Name’ :[“Harry”, “Harry”, “Peter”, “Peter”],’Target’ : [“116”, “94”, “105”, “114”],’percentage’: [“94.82758621”, “106.3829787”, “99.04761905”, “96.49122807”]}; let result = Object.keys(data) .reduce((a, c, i) => (a[i] = … Read more

[Solved] SQL Date Variables in Python

I tried this and now it worked query2 =”””insert into table xyz(select * from abc where date_time = %s)””” cur.execute(query2,(rows)) Though, I don’t know why it worked and how is it different from what I was trying earlier solved SQL Date Variables in Python

[Solved] It is Possible to remove last words of current post title and echo the result?

Of course, any changes to a theme will reside within a WordPress child theme. Broadly speaking, this should do it: $post_title = get_the_title(); $post_title_output = explode( ” “, $post_title ); array_splice( $post_title_output, -2 ); echo implode( ” “, $post_title_output ); 4 solved It is Possible to remove last words of current post title and echo … Read more

[Solved] File system permissions

First, you need to understand what each “segment” means. first triad what the owner can do second triad what the group members can do third triad what other users can do Your permission set (-rw——-) only has permissions on the first triad – the owner of the file – which only has read and write … Read more

[Solved] Machine Learning Two class classification [closed]

Outputs of a neural network are not probabilities (generally), so that could be a reason that you’re not getting the “1 – P” result you’re looking for. Now, if it’s simple logistic regression, you’d get probabilities as output, but I’m assuming what you said is true and you’re using a super-simple neural network. Also, what … Read more

[Solved] How would I find the second largest salary using MYSQL [closed]

Try this, It should must work. SELECT name, salary FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees WHERE salary < (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees)) Or you can try this one as well. /* looking for 2nd highest salary — notice the ‘=2’ */ SELECT name,salary FROM employees WHERE salary = (SELECT DISTINCT(salary) FROM employees … Read more

[Solved] Logo on mobile view not centered [closed]

with this css your can align your logo to center: @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .header-content-one .d-flex { display: flex; justify-content: center; } .header-content-one .d-flex a{ width: 100%; } } I’ve setted up a breakpoint to 767px (the code work only for smaller screen) change it to the measure you want. 1 solved Logo … Read more

[Solved] Date not saving in right format vb6.0, SQL server 2005

You need to put apostrophes around your dates, like this: strsql = “INSERT INTO Rental_Copies(Rental_id,Copies_id,Rent_Date,Due_Date)” & _ “Values(” & txtID.Text & “,” & ListView1.ListItems(X + 1) & “,'” & _ txtRent_Date.Text & “‘,'” & txtDue_Date.Text & “‘)” Like others have said, you should be validating your data before using it and parameterizing your SQL to … Read more

[Solved] “does not name a type” error c++ [duplicate]

You can avoid a circular include problem by using a forward declaration of a class instead of an #include: #ifndef ENTRANCE_H #define ENTRANCE_H #include <vector> #include “Diodio.h” class Segment; class Entrance { public: Entrance(); ~Entrance(); void operate(); protected: Segment *givesEntryTo; std::vector<Diodio> elBooths; std::vector<Diodio> manBooths; private: }; #endif // ENTRANCE_H (Entrance.cpp may or may not need … Read more